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Everything posted by GTSBoy

  1. 245 is a little bit too wide for 8" wide wheels. 235/45 much better. If you do go 245, then 40 profile a better idea.
  2. If it's GTR on Youtube It's 90% likely that they are install outboard. Like.... outside the car, splatter welded onto the guards.
  3. What is a front number?
  4. Has it run without demonstrated vacuum leaks?
  5. So it's a Freddy. Are you sure it fits? These things (the Freddies) kinda have a history of sucking. Literally. Through the flange gaps.
  6. Do you use inverted speaker carpet spikes on top of the jack stands? (asking for a friend).
  7. You cannot remove the reg. You need a reg. If you remove it, you will need too remote mount it or a replacement. You cannot remove the pulsation dampener. It wont run nicely without it. If you remove it, you will need to remote mount it (and it wont work as well as it should when remote mounted. Revert FFP to stock, or go full aftermarket rail and reg. No halfway measures.
  8. And no, you cannot make it returnless. You still need a reg, and in a returnless system, this is at the fuel pump, in the tank.
  9. Why not just call Diesel Injection Service NT in Winnellie and ask what they can do for you? Aaaarrarararararaagh!
  10. 83 mm piston will rattle around in an 85 mm bore like a dick is a shirtsleeve. Not to mention that a 5 valve piston will not be at home against a 4 valve head. I think you mistook the original RD28 stroke for the bore measurement.
  11. You don't have too send them out. He lives in Darwin. It may not be a big city, but it is a city, and there would have to be at least 3 workshops in town that can do fuel injection servicing, including cleaning injectors. Darwin is a major hub for heavy mining and there would have to be many may places that work on diesel engines of all scales (from road transport all the way up to 2MW Cat stationary engines). It's not difficult.
  12. Is not the actual answer to that.... for cleaning.
  13. The car and loom in question is >20 years old now, been through the hands of several possibly hamfisted dickheads. There are plenty of things that could go wrong, and it always turns out to be something from left field. You have to go looking for the problem. It won't jump out at you and say "Here I am!".
  14. Well, there's your problem. There is a bus wire/wires that connect the ABS and TCS CUs to the ECU. Yoou have a wiring problem there.
  15. Well, yeah, loom diagnosis is a process of pulling all the plugs and testing all the wires that are associated with the loom you're interested in, along with other plugs that hang from the same loom. You're looking for unexpected shorts between unrelated wires, unexpected earths, unexpected 12V (when there shouldn't be, because you've disconnected the expected power supply, etc etc.
  16. So, the final diagnostic is to try your control unit in another car. Presuming it works in another car, then you're looking at loom/plug problems in your car.
  17. I would Nistune the ECU, override the TCS motor/position code and forget the car ever had it. (in fact, that's exactly what I did, because Neo into R32). What's code 44 again?
  18. You don't. Injectors come out, go in a bag, into another car, driven to the fuel injection service location of your choice.
  19. Yes, so, injectors out, onto the cleaning and flow testing rig. Ultrasonic cleaning while pulsing with solvent supplied through them. If they do not recover - then and only then to buy replacements.
  20. They still bring cars in.
  21. And just because it is not coilpacks or spark plugs, does not automatically mean that the injector is faulty. Could be the loom/plug on either of the injector or coilpack. or it could be a broken ringland, valve seat damage, or any of a number of other similarly nasty mechanical problems that can cause misfires.
  22. What, like most cars, including our Skylines? We jack up on the diff, but we probably shouldn't. The front crossmember is really not designed for jacking. It has no crush resistance, slippery rounder profile. Everything that should scream "do not jack here".
  23. Both of those are porn. I worry about the multi-piece construction of the Rennstand. I see a few ways for that to go wrong on people. And I ponder if you can only make the other one work with certain trolley jacks. But they are both the realisation of idle ponderings I have done myself when staring at the shitful combination of things I have to hold my car up over the years.
  24. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Following on from the points made by Duncan and Dosebro, I contend that unless you take the opportunity to triangulate the brace back to the firewall, you gain little to nothing in a Skyline.
  25. So unlikely to be true that it barely deserves discussion. These cars have all had odo haircuts. What really matters is the actual condition. And so on to your inspection. I'm not from Sydney so don't have a recommendation for you. Hopefully someone will pipe up with a useful recco for you. But also keep in mind that there is a large number of famous Skyline/GTR performance shops in Sydney. Mostly in the western crime zone. Consider them a fallback position. They do know a lot about Skylines.
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