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Everything posted by GTSBoy

  1. Are you f**king kidding me? How can you not take what I drew and overlay the concept onto the real world? If you need a drawing that puts coloured wires onto numbered terminals on a f**king automotive relay, then you are in no position to be hanging shit on me for my electrical knowledge. Is it that you have absolutely no idea what you're doing? If so, just confess. Notwithstanding that, the sketch I made for you is 100% adequate to the task.
  2. And this is why cars burn down.
  3. What this one? The one that was directly pasted into the post, and should not be invisible, and that you quoted and complained about in the next post after it?
  4. Actually the above diagram is from MSPaint. I took the snip from the original diagram from the manual, pulled out the ECU connections and made it generic for an arbitrary fused power supply, relay, thermoswitch and main load.
  5. The only way that the water vapour itself can boost exhaust flow, beyond the simple number of molecule increase, might be the specific heat capacity. H2O has a somewhat lower Cp than CO2 does and so it will increase to a higher temperature (for the same thermal energy input), which increases volume flow rate (from thermal expansion). OK, so H2O also has a slightly less ideal (ie, non-ideal gas) characteristic and so probably expands a little more also, But that effect will be tiny. But all this is thrown out the window because we know that E85 exhaust is actually cooler, because of the extra mass of fuel that needs to be evaporated and heated to exhaust temperature. So.... I dunno. My main suspicion on increased spool is that you can and do run more ignition advance.
  6. Pls allow the combustion engineer in the room to correct this. Ethanol does in fact have a bit more exhaust gas volume than petrol, but it is nowhere near 25-30% extra. The only difference is that ethanol has a higher H:C ratio, so makes more water vapour. For each O2 molecule you use to oxidise a hydrogen, you will create 2x molecules of water. With carbon, each O2 only makes 1 CO2. While you might use 25-30% more fuel on E85, you use almost exactly the same amount of air to make the same power. Therefore you use almost exactly the same amount of O2, and hence N2 (from the air). The reality is that the extra water vapour and smaller qty of CO2 really just increases the exhaust gas volume by a few %. Maybe 5. I'm not about to go do the stoichiometry calculations. But, I have recently been doing exactly that for H2 replacement of natural gas in industrial applications and even then, when you're talking about only making water vapour and no CO2, the increase is not as fat as 30%.
  7. Yeah, it's the pressure switch. All that goes in the bin. Of course, you'll need a new diff, casing, centre, etc.
  8. So many people say they have a GTXXYYr when in reality they have a ChinaBay/offbrand copy.
  9. Not sure how that's true. We're just talking in a tangential direction.
  10. I dunno. Looks like if that thing at the top is the "clip" that you're asking about, then that end looks like a hinge/pivot and the bit you unlatch would have to be at the bottom, hiding behind whatever is blocking the view at the bottom.
  11. Yeah. I had the same fitting some CF Bride reps into mine. Ended up doing some very small mods to be able to run without some thick washers that are "required" to fit the seat to the rail. Gained myself a few mm, still feel like they're too high. Didn't want to go for the "ultra-low" rails as they are a different type of headf**k.
  12. A 9.5 would absolutely need a lower offset than +30.
  13. I wouldn't even think that it is inherently "thermal efficiency", so much as just being able to operate in a manner that is simply not possible with high octane petrol alone. I mean.....no-one knows what the thermal efficiency of the engine is operating at the boost or ignition advance (that you can run with ethanol is) when operating on petrol, because you only get 2s of operation then the engine blows up.
  14. Get a bit set that has a right angle driver handle thingo.
  15. Security Torx
  16. 4 of those are no video videos 4s long of a slowly accelerating noisy exhaust. The other one appears to show 0.5s of fluffy running after you tap the throttle at idle. Not a misfire. Dunno what it is. But it's not a misfire.
  17. It might have been even worse, like 11 times. The maths is relatively easy. Solid shaft of X diameter. Y torque applied at launch, with a little extra effort put in for the fact that it's a dynamic situation, not just statically loaded. The core shaft in the torque tube winds up, then unwinds as the torque is fully delivered to the diff end. I'll see if I can find the post on it. I think it was on PF, like, 15-20 years ago.
  18. Porsche 928 torque tube in an SA Sports Sedan thingo was reputed to build up something like 7 complete twists at grid flag and clutch drop.
  19. The boost controller was earthing through the light's power side and the light. It's really somewhat fortunate that there wasn't a fuse problem or a fire, is what I think.
  20. The very idea that having the boost controller powered from the ciggy lighter socket's power wire would prevent the socket's lighting ring from working is pure crack pipe. What the actual f**k? The lighting is a separate circuit!!!!!
  21. Nononononononono. The GKTech fan is intended for SR motors. It is actually intended to be a better match for them that the OEM fan, but....when put on an RB, they just don't work well. Brand new OEM fan. Do eeeet!
  22. Ah, the joys of discovering other people's crack pipe wiring.
  23. There is no igniter module. Robbo saw RB20 and glossed over the fact that it's a Neo, that doesn't have one. The old R32 era RB20s did. Your igniters are built into your coils. All the advice to check ignition components is valid, however hot misfires from failing ignition components usually tend to show up under higher load, rather than just off idle. My question is, is it actually a misfire that you're experiencing, or more of a stumble to near stall? Dirty idle control valves can cause nasty transition from driving to stopping and vice versa. As can dirty TB.
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