First point - you know you're wasting time and money, right? There will be no benefit from this except to make the horrible dak-dak noises louder.
Second point - what year of Impreza? They are not all the same across the 25 year history. Show a photo of the engine bay in question?
Third point - Here's a photo of a pod in an Impreza engine bay, as taken from a google search for same. The box between the pod and the intake pipe is the AFM on that model.
Fourth point - Here's a photo of a probably more recent dak-dak. Note that you cannot see any AFM. I think they have it integrated into the airbox on these. If yours is like this, it might be a bit of trouble to replace the airbox and relocate the AFM, which might not want to be separated. I don't know - I had a 2010 Forester for many years and never lifted the bonnet, so I wouldn't know where the AFM was.