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Everything posted by GTSBoy

  1. I'm now down to flat 10s in my 25Neo R32. /humblebrag.
  2. You could make some 10mm OD x 1mm wall spacers from 304L tube. Just cut them slightly shorter than the flange plate is thick and they won't get in the way of anything and won't impede torquing it up and will dial out all the slop. You'd probably only need to do 2 to control it, 3 or 4 to spread them out fairly evenly across the whole length, or all of them for completeness.
  3. Because it is in offensively poor taste. Black. White. Body colour. Those are the only acceptable options. Unless the body colour is rose gold. Then .....shudder......hand in your man card.
  4. It can no doubt be welded back up. But make sure you take it to someone who knows what they're doing. Often radiator shops will know what to do. You have to drain and clean and fill it with inert gas to avoid the risk of denting your skull.
  5. No. Use the Neo's IACV. The Neo won't want to control the RB26's IACV. You will just have to do some fab to mount it and get the air to go where it is supposed to. It will also give you a convenient coolant bleed point, seeing as the Neo's IACV is also the AAC.
  6. ARBs need to be selected to work with the spring rates. Of course it is possible to run a really stiff front bar and a really soft rear bar, if that combo is making up for having stiffer springs in the rear than would otherwise go with the front springs.
  7. No mention of checking the ECU's water temperature sender. No mention of replacing the oxy sensor. No mention of checking for a severe blockage at the cat. No mention of looking for boost leaks.
  8. It's NOS bro'.
  9. Hello Wisconsin!......wait, wrong state, um..... Hey Kenosha!.....wait. Um. Still wrong. Um... Gary. The most dangerous city in the mid west. Oh. hell. Still wrong. Um? Is the wind off the lake cold at this time of year? (I was working on the steel plant on the other side of the state line in East Chicago a few years ago at this time of year and it was focking awful.
  10. Do you know how to calculate how much wheel sticks out and how much wheel sticks in from the hub face, for a given width and offset? If you do, then you have all the information you need, in your first post, to tell you how a 9" wheel at +30 and +38 offset will sit compared to the ones you have now. If you don't, then there are plenty of offset calculator app websites that will do the arithmetic for you.
  11. Look at the wheelbase numbers on Wikipedia and see for yourself. If they are not the same, the chances of the exhaust being the same is approximately stuff all.
  12. Looks like the front of the tank is wet. If so, your leak is not where you think it is. It's just running down there and dripping. As to whether you can fix it or not......how are we to know what the hole looks like?
  13. Don't paint the engine bay a stupid colour like rose gold. Ferfuxsake.
  14. stranger2020 is a spamming arsehole. Post reported.
  15. As if they would have different length cats.
  16. I don't know how it is done in Link. You might have a single percentage adjustment number to put in, or there might be several points you need to fill. Whatever it is, you are looking to bump up whatever the ECU thinks it should do for a pulsewidth by a small amount at low pulsewidths to account for the fact that injectors don't flow as well as they "should" at low pulsewidths.
  17. 18x10 is just too wide at the front regardless of offset. You dun f**ked up by buying wheels that WON'T fit before making sure that they will.
  18. An = analogue. T2...dunno, but will no doubt tell you which analogue input it is. at 5V = Saturated analogue input. Sensor is not doing what it is supposed to be doing (ie, giving somewhere between 0.5 and 4.5V or whatever it is set up to do) and is just jamming full sensor voltage. It's f**ked in some way.
  19. What the f**k sort of useless arseholes do you have in your area? If the motor trade acted like that here their shops would get burnt down.
  20. Sort of. You'll see that below 2ms the section of table is labelled "non-linear". That means you need to look at how far off the linear line the flows are there, and add some small % to the ECU's output, to compensate.
  21. Wishful thinking only based on the relative costs of fabrication method. Sarcasm/irony was fully embedded in post.
  22. I do not understand. Walk in and purchase tomorrow. Receive part in hand. Faster than on-line overnight parts from Japan sik yo!
  23. You see quite a few Skylines running around Adelaide as dailies.
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