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Everything posted by GTSBoy

  1. Pretty much everything like that is available in one way or another on eBay. Just dig around with different search terms.
  2. https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313.TR2.TRC0.A0.H0.Xnissan+trim+clip+kit.TRS0&_nkw=nissan+trim+clip+kit&_sacat=0 There are many many many options. Some make more sense than others. You can search using the term Skyline (and maybe R32 with -VW -golf added to it to piss off the Master Race car results) to refine down to things that exclude the more modern stuff.
  3. They're not the thickest, lushest floor mats. But they are decent quality carpet. I've had them in for a few years and they still look good. Except that the plastic heel pad has cracked in the clutch pedal corner....but then I expect that from any plastic heel pad and don't hold it against it for a pair of mats that cost ~$80.
  4. Ha! No offers! No offers! He'll get none either.
  5. You want Nissan ones? Why? Just buy some aftermarket ones off eBay and save the $$. I have these https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Nismo-R32-Skyline-GTS-T-GTS-GT-R-Custom-Front-Floor-Mats-Set-of-2-FRONT-CHARCOAL/151767255869?hash=item2356088b3d:g:GusAAOSw6aVcdnfu&frcectupt=true and they're fine. They do all possible options. Fr only, Fr+rear. Logos, no logos, etc.
  6. I will type this out for the 300000000000668684873276347th time. The signal from the sensor to the speedo head is a sawtooth (AC) voltage +/-1 volt. The speedo head converts that to a square wave PWM 0-5V signal for the ECU (and every other CU in the car that looks at speed). You have to set the Jaycar jobby up for the type of signal you are correcting, and you can't ever try to direct connect the sensor to the ECU, because they just don't speak the same language. The Jaycar one, I think, works well on AC signals and not on PWM signals. If you have a need to convert a PWM, the smart approach these days would be to program an arduino to take in, modify and spit back out. Would only take a few dozen lines of code and possibly a variable resistor to allow you to adjust the effect without reprogramming.
  7. You've answered your own question. Assuming the Link G4+ is capable of the same things that the upper end Haltechs are (and I don't know outright, so just check)....fuel pressure sensor into ECU = input to whatever safety functions you want.
  8. IACV. Dirty. Clean it.
  9. This crowd, and at least 1 or 2 others out of the UK, are doing stuff like this... https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/BLACK-STITCHING-FOR-SKYLINE-R32-89-94-LEATHER-GEAR-BOOT-HANDBRAKE-BOOT-SET/351879677170?hash=item51eda9c4f2:g:UMcAAOSw8gVYAzAo I bought years ago. They're great.
  10. Oil can creep forward or backward from cam seals. Usually ends up looking like your motor.
  11. Hi mate. Seats are still here. I PM'd you back. Just letting you know, in case you haven't seen it.
  12. That's if you're happy to vent to atmosphere, which is stupid and illegal.
  13. Both of them, and JustJap.
  14. No it's not. The feed goes from res to pump. That's a return line. Have you got the line that used to go into it?
  15. You can search this. But for your benefit, I will type it all out, once again. Gearbox sender is Sawtooth (AC) +/- 1V signal that goes to the speedo head. Frequency depends on speed. Separate wires then run from the speedo head to the ECU (actually, it's really only 1 wire) that carries a 0-5V square wave PWM signal where the pulse width carries the speed signal. Get the wiring diagram out and make it like that.
  16. There's no evidence of valve springs on the charts, so unless they have good reason to say they think there's float, do the cooler first. And by "do the cooler", I don't mean replace it. I mean tap into the pipe up and downstream of it and check the actual pressure drop across it.
  17. Likely that the water tap is jammed/sticky.
  18. The hubs that suit struts are not the same as the hubs that suit the double wishbone uprights, as far as I know. I might be wrong, but I think the hubs are different.
  19. Front or rear? Rear should be the same, because the back of a Stagea is the back of a Skyline. The fronts probably not, because Stageas have strut front ends, right? And Skylines don't.
  20. Depends..... If the bumper is made to fit GTT (and therefore not explicitly GTR) and is perhaps intended to be used with the GTT bonnet, and the GTT bonnet has a different shape (lower, flatter) to the GTR bonnet, then that would explain it. However, seeing as it is probably all one kit to make a GTT look like Z-tune GTR, that might be poor logic. Otherwise, I have no ideas.
  21. No S15 ever had an RB20 from the factory. You're thinking SR20, and SR20 connected to RB gearboxes is, as you suggest, a tried and true thing to do. RB20/25/26 into S chassis has been done so many times that you will only find about 13 gonktrillion threads about it all over the internet. Search.
  22. If I Recall Correctly. Because the front panel (radiator support panel, bonnet fit, etc) are not necessarily compatible.
  23. Do you really trust that compression tester?
  24. Ceramic coat the face and back side (not the seat surfaces) instead?
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