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Everything posted by taynewguy

  1. Westfield Park PS Kelmscott Senior High Curtin University Adelaide University Karma Sutra Skool of Excellence
  2. I have Kings in my R33 gtst (one and only suspension change) Looks better coz its lower Minimal gain in handling performance Ride is slightly harder than stock Cheap (well depends where you go I guess) OK choice if your suspension modification is more about the lowered look, although it is not super-low. It is a very friendly/driveable ride height for big speed bumps in car parks etc.
  3. I had a AE86 as my first car......and I regret selling it. But the skyline wasn't a bad replacement I guess. Anyway, they are awesome cars to learn how to drive in and attempt to DRIFT in if you must. AE86 benefits: Bulletproof reliability Dirt cheap (5K will get you a decent one) RWD - lots of fun to be had there Good Power to Weight ratio (925kg) The parts are readily available (engine parts that is, definately not panels etc) Easy to work on Plenty of info on the net to guide you through Just big enough to entertain the ladies in (slight defect there i guess) Not bad looking car for it's age Umm that's all I got...... My biased 2cents worth. P.S. P plater drifting is cool until you drift into a tree.
  4. rep003: I have been know to cruise around carousel in a blue gtst but as for the tonsil hockey......I don't think it was me (or at least I don't remember doing it anyway). I'm pleading innocent....but not all that confident.
  5. Note:Haven't posted in this thread for a bit coz I wa away in Sydney for a week (some very fine examples of skylines over there). Anyway....... Ben, yep it's me and we have met before through Mike. Yeah the car has many little quirks (like the infamous GTR badge) that I would like to get rid of pretty soon. Anyway thanks for all the input everyone. I hope to get out and about and meet some of you guys in the near future.
  6. Ok I am pretty new to the forums and have just spent a bit of time reading some old threads about GTST's dressed up like GTR's. Personally I think it isn't too much to get worked up about because it's just a nice look/theme to go with when dressing up your car, but anyway each to there own. I know some of you feel very strongly about this so I won't comment too much more. But what i will say is.....keep taken those chill pills ppl, it isn't the worst crime you can commit. So all those GTR lovers why not take it as a compliment, knowing there are skyline owners that are not as enthusiastic about modifications etc as we are but aspire to having a car that is mechanically superior to their own. OK now that I have put myself into the "un-popular"/"never to be spoken to again" basket, here is my question: Where can i get some decent NISMO, GTST badging to go in my front bar? You guessed it my "line has a GTR kit on it and when I bought it (bout a month ago) it had a dirty big GTR badge in the from grill. All this time I didn't know I was offending all you skyline owners (and being laughed at, nobody likes that). So point me to a decent badge retailer and I'll change it.
  7. Sorry nizmo, i'm out of the race. Drove past a speed camera rather fast today, looking at a pretty big fine I think. I knew buying the skyline would mean an end to my licence but not this soon.....DAMN! Going to cry into my pillow for a while....... (p.s. if this post appears twice, i apologise, something weird happened the first time i submitted it)
  8. yeah i'm out of this one, just drove past a speed camera today rather fast......I new this skyline would be the end of my license (just didn't think it would be so soon. damn!
  9. there's a place in perth that sells em, called AUTOWORX, do a search on google - website is something like www.perthcars.......... but custom made in your own state is prolly gonna be cheaper. worth a look though, they are good guys.
  10. Who is going to install/tune for you, got a good deal going there too? If I do this I will get an EBC also. Will only be doing light mods so this will pretty much be the last step. If it's worth it I will do it all now, otherwise I will wait. You kinda got me at a good time....just got a healthy bonus from work. Ok email me with details coz it is getting a bit difficult to pretend to work and monitor thread at the same time (tay@geoforce.com.au)
  11. ETA if ordered soonish?? Getting some work done at Xspeed, can hold off for a while if I can tie it all in.
  12. I'm a bit of a newbie, but pretty keen to get into some mods. I've got the money just want a few more details. Post or PM details (general capabilities etc) Will do search now for more info now
  13. audio intensity guys weren't all that helpful with me, but hey I have bad B.O. so who knows. Car stereo city (cannington) not too bad, they've done both of my cars, can't complain.
  14. Yeah WA boys only get 12 too? I wouldn't mind an extra 10 (could come in handy)
  15. yeah i just did a search, as i expected, stay clear of Caltex/Ampol. OK I got all I need to know. Cheers.
  16. Are all premium fules the same?? I think BP ultimate is the best, purely and simply because I have never had any problems while running it. I refuel my car a full tank at a time so I tend to pick diferences in fuel performance. When I use Caltex/Ampol I sometimes notice a marked reduction in power and the engine runs a little rougher. I first noticed it with my toyota sprinter and now with my skyline. These problems are not always present but only develop when using Caltex/Ampol, Shell is fine (though I don't use it often), and BP I have never had a problem with. Is it just me or has anyone else had problems with some premium fuel?
  17. Yeah I second that, I get all my gear from Wilkinsons. Speak to Dale, he know's all.
  18. Ok it's cool (literally). I got it regassed and it works fine. It has been filled with dye so the next time I bring it in they can find the leak for me (hopefully nothing major).
  19. This is the first thing I will try. Apparently nothing will work if the gas gets to a certain (low) level. Hope this theory is true. As long as everything works and its just got a leak (be it major or minor) I will be happy to get it fixed. Coz damn its hot in Perth.
  20. Ok against all advice it would seem I have bought the car and am very very pleased to become a Skyline owner for the first time (yeehaa!!!). I managed to negotiate a few hundred off the already haggled price so I am not too displeased. Perhaps I should let a pro have a look at it before I get too excited. Aircon is all there it just blows hot air....hmm anyway I will let you know. Thanks for the help.
  21. Hmm..2K?? that's sounds pretty steep. This car ain't quite a bargain but I think I am willing to take a punt (and just hope it's a quick fix). I will have to take a significant chunk out of the offer though. Cheers.
  22. Ok I am new to the forums and millimeters away from purchasing my first skyline (93 r33 gtst), BUT there's one problem the aircon does not work. Has anyone experienced any aircon problems and or had to replace any parts? Are the parts readily available to start with? Need to know worst case scenario of how much it will cost to repair so I can account for it in the purchase price. All feedback will be appreciated. Cheers, Tay
  23. Shit guys don't get too emotional about it....let the kids have their fun. Having said that, I would hate to think there are heaps of idiots driving around thinking they have beaten a genuine GTR. So maybe it's a fair call.
  24. Are there any inherernt faults within the r33 range? I am particularly interested in the 95/96 r33. Just want to make sure I know what to look out for when I go out shopping for my dream car. Anyone with a car of this era for sale, please let me know. Ready to buy!
  25. You break road rules, car looks bit sporty, and give a little cheak when cop pulls you up.....you get a sticker for your troubles. When I say give a little cheak, you might just look at him/her the wrong way. You'll never stop cops from handing them out, It's bullshit. And regardless of whether or not your mods are legal. Passing the pits still hits you in the hip pocket.
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