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Everything posted by MattR

  1. hey mate may be keen, are you able to send some more pics to me [email protected]
  2. ill be there as usual, if ive got my usual seat for the ride:) remember the result of the last go-Karts Andrew??
  3. White 32 it wont fit sorry, ill do you a good deal on the engine to go with it though:)
  4. Pekatu, ill take 600 and you pay postage, it weighs bout 20kg if you want to get a price??
  5. Both engines have been re-built with standard bits, your best bet is to give me a buzz or PM me to work something out if you want. Cheers Matt
  6. Cool first i need to buy the car:) im looking at a couple this week so hopefully you still have the turdo in a couple of weeks
  7. nice relaxed cruise and nice lunch, hopefully by next cruise ill have a car again
  8. yeah thats true I spose, least im still young at heart:) pawley mayb out tomorrow, spoke to him today
  9. Will it be able to fit on a GTI-R or is there not enough room up front?? im looking at getting a GTI-R and have a turbs like this on if it will fit
  10. looking at only 1200 for the lot?? not sure on the wastegates. The manifold is back down at JMS you can give them a buzz to find out the size 0882606919 Also got the sub zero style plennum as well. If you have HPI issue 35 you can see it in there on my car. looking at 600 for that
  11. That must make you the oldest old time there then andrew:)
  12. Hey ive got a re-built block you can buy at a cheap price. i got whatsisnames spare one)
  13. cheers mate, I heard the 93&94 models have stronger gearboxes?? im maybe looking at getting one and puting a 3037s turbo on, and ofcourse the rest of the fuel system to match. not sure if it is a good idea or not, just trying to pick peoples brains as much as possible
  14. Is there anyone out there who knows of any highly modded GTI-R's out there? im just cing what sort of power and times some are getting cheers Matt
  15. sorry mate the tubo is sold bu ive still got the manifold and wastegates. The are HKS, not sure on size though. Yes they were the ones from JMS.
  16. yeah, mate still got the engine and head? the engine has been re-built with standard stuff and the head is of atm. what are you after?
  17. Hey steve youve got to take me for a spin, I have forgotton what it was like:(
  18. Hey stop giving the guys who will be going shit:) ud be suprised what you can do in a ute
  19. Does any one know if you can fit a torque controller to a GTI-R much the same way as a GTR?? And how would it run with more bias on the rear. Cheers Matt
  20. if youll be around on the wkend, id like to have a look?
  21. Hey mate may be interested im in the N.E area.
  22. Hey dan good to hear things are on the way, hope to see you around soon
  23. ill be there passanger with Andrew. Whats happening with the ute muster at AIR, who's going?
  24. nah, the old 93 model same as the swift. 1.3 carbie:) if you go round a corner too hard it starves for fuel
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