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0-60 Motorsports

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Everything posted by 0-60 Motorsports

  1. OK Thats interesting! So i need an 96 or 97 G35 or G35 X doner for parts? Any more info on this Chris? Thanks Mate.
  2. Mate i Have done many cars in the last 11 years, so IF i do take this on trust em it'll be done professionally! I wouldnt have it anyother way and I will post a full thread with pics etc of the process. If i get lazy and dont start this i'll just buy myself an E90 M3 2010 or an 08 M5
  3. LOL! Thansk for your reply Bro. No it isnt Chain drive! Its done professionally and everything is like factory. We have a lot of JDM RHD converted to LHD in the Middle-East and you can never tell they were RHD. The Stagea is so cheap in Japan its not funny so i think i might go ahead and buy one once i get back to Bahrain and consult my Master Tech. It might be worth me actually trying to do this Any more technical insights?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. The thing is i know that in Dubai people do Skyline RHD to LHD swaps every day! There are some crazy people there and it is CHEAP to do it. Guy you have to remember that is Dubai! Labor rates and prices for parts are cheap and this being a NISSAN im sure it shares some parts with other Nissan Models that can be adapted etc. If i knew the mechanics of this car i wouldnt be here asking for advice from you guys. I usually play with german cars, thats why im just asking for more technical points of view as i dont have the time to get the car on a lift......
  5. hey Guys! Thanks for your replies. The problem is i cant register a RHD car in Bahrain and i dont really want a RHD car. I like the LHD more. I dont think its a big job as people do that all the time in Dubai. Any one else have any suggestions guys? Cheers.
  6. Hello Everyone! This is my first post here and i have gone over some of the posts on this forum and they are pretty informative. SO i need your help, my friend has a 1997 Nissan Stagea WGNC34 Wagon and wants to sell it. I was thinking of buying it and taking it back to my Country, BAHRAIN. Now we are LHD and the Stagea is RHD. I was wondering if anyone know of any LHD conversion kits for the Stagea. If you guys have any ideas please post em up as i really like this car and want to buy it. Cheers guys and gals. Ejaz
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