Don't forget that when you are trying to break into your own car you are doing it in the least destructive way possible and you can take your time. Thieves don't give a shit they use the quickest and most effective (often most destructive) way of getting in. Best bet is to make sure they can't start it or it makes a shitload of noise once they are in.
I have challenged such a fine and won (before going to court).
The Road Rules Act stated that if the sign is 2P (for example) you cannot stay parked continuously for more than 2 hours in that parking area. I successfully argued that since I had moved my car, then my car was not parked continously for more than 2 hours (a moving car is not a parked car). They dropped the fine.
I had a problem with mine starting up. It just says "accessing HDD, do not turn off whilst HDD light flashing etc" Then it shows an [OK] button to click on but nothing happens and you can't click on it.
Turns out it is the DJ Hero turntable receiver. Unplugged it and works fine.
Apparently same problem with Guitar hero and other USB accessories.
Very nice shots Mootman, thanks
Would have been sweet if they plonked you at the skidpan for the afternoon, because my crappy 18-55 kit lens was grossly inadequate for the job.
Holy crap I don't believe it is finally out
After many delays, the last one in October was such an anticlimax that I was over it until it was finally released.
Looks like I'm going to JB at lunchtime!
Thanks JFK I'm also keen to see more of other cars if you have as well
No worries Anna thanks for volunteering again it meant much more this time than getting photos!
I did see quite a few cameras out, so come on give them up people no need to stash them all in your private collections!
Also someone left their pillow at the hotel; we were the last one to leave and the owners asked us if we wanted to claim it. If it's yours I think they binned it as it looked quite crusty.
I took heaps of photos but many didn't turn out that well; still learning to use this new camera and I definitely need a longer lens for the skidpan:
Keen to see photos from others, perhaps if you got some of mine (blue Liberty) in action I'd love a new desktop background
Need. Sleep. But before then, thankyou to all involved who made this event happen.
Best of luck for a speedy recovery Grant; it's never a good thing to have a car accident but gladly it happened in a controlled environment with help at arm's reach.
I know someone whose got one on WRX and is pretty happy with it (very effective at what it does), but if EPA see the butterfly or motor then it will fail for sure.
Thankyou Ryan, for the schedule and continued hard work with setting up these events.
Chicago looks great! Have been hanging out for a layout which had some good chicane action
When are you ready to start accepting grouping requests?
Just check the front page. Ryan periodically updates it with new entries as confirmed. Last update was "As of 11/10 1545"
Femno: Sedan vs Wagon, Turbo vs NA, AWD vs RWD... well you get the idea