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Everything posted by VRdrift

  1. I have my old one thats doing the same thing, if you want to hybrid the 2, its yours, although I had no problem finding a replacement at jap parts on the north side, and there a cefiro at park ridge wreckers in logan, I think the master switch it still there, also a C33 at nisspro in the gold coast
  2. yea I see the GTR one is different but Im just trying to figure out what the silver doofa is on a R32 L/H strut tower, Im thinking some sort of fuel control
  3. FRICKEN SWEET! yer ive checked mine, 4.083, I was hoping 4.3 but I'll see how this one goes. I think ive seen yours, a while ago, mine looks like aids aswell it has clapped out maroon paint, primer boot roof bonnet and bar, for now eeeewww R34 RB20E
  4. this is the same conversion im about to do, again but, I see the R32 runs an injector resistor where as the cefiro does not, is that an issue?
  5. sweet, soon? which one is your cefiro, ive seen a couple down the coast both white with kits,
  6. I trying to work out the diff ratio on my cefiro and by the plate it says RC40, so i'm guessing its 4.0? just need to clarify, its ya fully optioned up car just with out the turbo, it seems odd that in these nissans the less powered engines get a taller diff ratio WTF? my first one was 3.9-RB20E and this one 4.0( I think)- a torqueless piece o crap RB20DE and turbos get 4.3
  7. cheers, ive done this conversion twice before, but hopefully I may be able to get away with the stockies for now
  8. cheers for the comments guys, Im in qld, doing a brake upgrade is on the cards, depending on weather or not I buy a complete donor car for the conversion, if so i'll go the 5 stud route like I have in the past, at the moment theres a complete motor/box there if I want it, I may get it if I can get away with the stock brakes, the fact is the RB20DE is mind numbingly slow, before that I had a 20E one in NZ and that was just awful
  9. not sure of the exact model my A31 is but its one down from the turbo one, its a 1991 facelift 1, RB20DE with LSD and HICAS, Im wanting to change this to RB20DET, will this conversion require me to upgrade the brakes, even though mine are the same as the turbo version?
  10. hey guys, Im having some issues with a RB20DE cefiro, that being its takes a while to start after Ive done a good hour or so of driving, when it does finally start, it will backfire once then miss under load for about 5 minutes then problem goes away until I fire it up again, any other time just going to the shops or whatever, no probs, any ideas?
  11. LOL, I used worked in napier at a used/import parts wreckers, facelift 3 stuff, not that easy find in NZ, you can if you look hard enough, and no you won't be finding a crome cefiro grille every second day at pickapart, it took me 4 months to find facelift 3 bumpers for my a31 I had in NZ, early cef stuff at ripoffapart. very plentiful but none wants a RB20E ps. do people still buy stuff at pickaprt?, the asses charged me $10 for 2 exhaust rubbers i needed right there and then, and the poor indians in front of me got ripped $250 for a bare diamante nose cut, the monkey at the counter wanted them to even go as far as removing the clips and rubbers off it to make it "bare"
  12. for your brake conversion, the easiest way is to re drill the r32 discs to four stud, and all will fit, you can use the the rear brake hoses of the r32, and use the cef ones for the front but you will need to shorten the banjo bolts, If you want to go 5 stud, the s14 hubs are needed, but you need to fit r32 lower arms to match the ball joint, the 2 s14 hub to strut connecting bolts are slightly larger and the strut holes need to be enlarged slightly, an easier option is to buy 5 stud hub adapters for the fronts
  13. facelift stuff is getting harder to come by even in NZ since most guys convert their early's
  14. it will be your your speedo head, ive had problems with the 2 ive owned, the last time mine just needed a clean and a bit of grease, works fine now
  15. are you serious? its a ass dragging CA powered targa topped super 80's looking notch back that nerds drive, and has the classic rice look to it if cosmetically modified
  16. hey guys, having some issues with my a31, on light throttle at low revs it misses/ skips a beat, but on harder throttle the problem goes away, it only seems to do it when its at normal running temp, any suggestions?
  17. sweet cheers I'll have a look at those, yea I found identical relay boxes but they were all 1 pin short,
  18. bingo, it was the relay box in the engine bay, gave it a tap and they started to work, I was unable to match one out of any nissan at the wreckers tho
  19. sweet, is the relay one of the ones above the dash fuse box?
  20. hey guys, Im having some issues with my wipers they go only sometimes, and im thinking its the combo switch, unless theres a control unit somewhere? (I wouldnt think so) but does anyone have a wiring diagram for this circuit? cheers
  21. you'll see another one in brisbane/gold coast now, clapped out maroon paint/primer, but I'll be painting it soon
  22. yea mate www.trademe.co.nz (NZ's version of ebay) or www.d1nz.com (in the forum section) because they are so many of them there, parts for them are worthless and plentiful. the car I raked parts from was a 1993 25se. I plan on getting more a31/c33 stuff from this wrecker as I used to work there, just working on a shipment plan
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