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    R33 Gts-t
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  1. FINISH HIM!!! I mean it, finish it. The car that is.
  2. Yeah gotta agree with that, as it is now the car starts pulling really hard at the 4500 mark right when boost hits 14-15 psi.
  3. Heres my 30/25det with ATR4G3. Only revs to five grand as injectors ran out of flow and we were unable to get it to hold low boost to rev the thing out. I will reupload once its tuned with new injectors to find out what it can really do.
  4. Jesus, hope theres some sort of build thread for this motor. Sounds like its going to be a monster.
  5. I got the same light after i upped the boost to 10psi and hit r and r. Was all good after i had nistune installed.
  7. What sort of power were you making before? And what do you plan on making now?
  8. Needs more low... Seriously looking good though, especially the custom exhaust.
  9. I have one looks to be the same on a rb30det doesnt hit boost in first gear untill the 4500-5000 grand mark. Not really a good turbo choice for responsiveness on small capacity motors. But it is a good turbo for making large power if thats what your planning.
  10. A Exedy cushion button should last for ages at those power levels as long as you dont slip the clutch to much or do lots of burnouts/ high revving launches. If you are planning on doing some launches i would suggest the same clutch but not cusioned. It can take huge amounts of abuse but is more of a track orientatated clutch because of the heavy peddle and quick take up. Of course if your budget is more then $500 theres definetley better clutches that are both stronger and easier to drive, have a more effortless peddle. Depends what you wanna spend or what power level you want in the future.
  11. Timing belt lined up perfectly with cams and balancer all lining up in the correct positions. It seems the cas will still only fully go in in one position. And it wont start in any other position so its definitley alligned correctly. Im going to test to see if it is cas as soon as possible. But i dont think it would be just because it seems to be working as per normal, besides the fact that cylinder 1 wont fire. No, i will do that today but it seems to be ticking which indicates its working .
  12. Wont have any problems removing it. I mean people run way bigger turbos with no heat shield.
  13. Ok heres the back story, engine has been out of the car for a month. The car was running before that but it wasnt going anywhere because the clutch had gone. So basically hasnt ran much at all in 2 months. Was running perfect before. I have replaced all the fluids, brand new clutch, flywheel, metal intake pipe, spark plugs, oil filter, water pump, tensioner bearing, timing belt, etc. Now my first problem was the car was cranking but not firing, i fount out this was to do with the cas bracket breaking but now have a new one. Cas seems to be aligned properly, car starts but is very rough. So i managed to get a timing light on there and see that the timing lines do line up. 1. So eventually after messing around a bit we have worked out that cylinder 1( well the one closest to the front of the car) isnt firing. The weird thing is that the the spark plug and coil pack are working as we tryed them on different cylinders and they worked fine. Injector is ticking and i assume that means its working. I took the spark plug out to check for fuel straight after it had been running but it was dry, should it be wet? Not really sure how else to diagnose whats wrong with it. 2. Second problem is that when you rev the car in neutral it revs fine, the second you put the gear stick in gear even with the clutch still in and rev it there is a horrible sound coming from the engine. Easiest way to describe it would be almost like lifter noise or the engine sounds like a diesel truck. 3. Third thing isnt really a problem, im assuming its related to the engine not firing properly. The boost gauge seems to be reading about -10psi at idle and im pretty sure the car used to be at -20psi at idle. Could this suggest a boost or vacume leak? 4. My ecu is an z32 computer with nistune, so im assuming that it cant be used to check error codes. Would i be right in assuming this?
  14. Broken in what way? Visually it looks fine all the teeth are good, spins fine etc. Rotating it on the car does affect timing but is it possibe that its getting the wrong reading some how?
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