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    wrx sti 2009,r33 gtst
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  1. hiya..noticed the other day when i started my car up there was a noise coming from under the bonnet which got louder the more the car warmed up,had a look under and tracked it & sounds like its coming from the turbo. its like a metal grinding noise coming from the turbo and have never heard it before,anyone have any ideas what it is?
  2. hi guys im just wondering what rpm is a stock r33 gtst meant to idle at?when mine is fully warmed up it sits at 1000rpm but yet a mates sits at 850rpm. is it normal and does it matter? thanks boys.
  3. hi all, i have recently had a friend put a speco meter mech boost gauge in and took the car for a run and when the car hits 3 grand the gauge reads 6-7psi but when the car is at 5-6 grand it says its boosting at 9-10 psi????? its a complete stock skyline and the boost hasnt been fiddled with at all,is this normal or could i have some sort of air leak?
  4. you could buy a 2nd hand one but i dont know much about the subject but could it be that your throttle body be playing up like for instance the butterfly valve is getting stuck? if it is a new one should fix it or 2nd one that hasnt been cleaned that is.
  5. lol,sorry for laughing but i know a guy like you who decided to fiddle with his boost when you have no idea what your doing.he decided he wanted to run his car on 20psi on a pretty much stock r33 and blew it up. i bet your car is damaged from this and if it aint showing now it will soon.
  6. is there a way to fix this?i didnt know that cleaning carbon could do that to it and what is TPS?sorry not good with abbreviations and can that also be fixed?
  7. what happens when you touch the idle screw?i had no other choice as the car was revving too loud. when i started it up it was like someone had there foot on the pedal contantly and there was no way i could drive my car around revving so high. i will get the part number for the spark plugs in the morning as im taking them out,the only other things that have been touched are the plenum,the throttle body, the rocker covers and the aac valve,the plenum and throttle body had some carbon build up so we cleaned it all off and the same with the aac valve and we only took the rocker covers off because it made it a heap easier the put the plenum back on and we put it all back together carefully to make sure it was done right.as far as i know there isnt an air leak but they are near impossible to track down if there was one.
  8. also when i was putting them in my friend increased the gap on all the spark plugs,he told me it helps with something like performance or making the spark plugs last longer? just thought i would add that as well just in case when he made the gaps bigger it may have caused the problem because the idle was at 1400 rpm and i had to turn in the idle screw to get it down to 1200 rpm.
  9. hi,i recently bought cheap spark plugs to go into my r33 but a couple hours after i put them in my car it started over revving???????? it usually revs at idle around 850 rpm but it now revs at 1200 rpm at idle. could it be the cheap spark plugs cause i was told that cheapo ones arent good for turbo cars and i was meant to put either platinum or iridium dont know if thats the right spelling but yeah either of those 2. any ideas?
  10. hi everybody this is my 1st post so please be kind lol,um where to start.......well i bought an r33 gtst series 1 a few months ago pretty cheap and noticed something was wrong with it the other week so i had it tested and a compression test on the engine found out its dying. so i was either thinking of getting a 2nd hand engine and doing some mods or getting an r33 GTR engine and having that put in. can you tell me what would be better doing?how much messing around would it be to put a GTR engine in and what would need to be done? be waiting for your replies.
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