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Everything posted by Micko

  1. No - think I got all we need now including half the parts to build another RB26 - maybe we can put a 2nd engine in whilst we are stuffing around:)
  2. Yeah Paul, why not - we'll regret it otherwise cos if you don't bring one we will definately need it.
  3. I assume it's all ok cos the marks line up as they should on the two pulleys. We can whack it all back together tomorrow night & fingers crossed this will have been the cause of the problem. BTW - The bolts weren't loose so I can rule out that the gear was moving.
  4. No worries Paul - nice Italian take-away nearby:) I did it!!! Put the car in 5th - I should have known that!
  5. Just tried putting the car in gear & pushing it to turn the engine - would probably work but it would be a 2 man job. Paul - if you got time that would be awesome. I should be home by about 5.30 - I'll buy you dinner if you can come over (it will cost you 20 buxks in juice anyway:))
  6. back in a minute fellas - just gonna go have another look see!
  7. Sounds easy in theory - just need someone to show me how I spose
  8. You guys know how to turn the crank by hand? Ken told me you can use a socket & ratchet on the main pulley - cant bloody get in there though!
  9. Didn't know I had cam gears - in fact I only got one on the exhaust.
  10. Gotta work out how to turn the engine over by hand so I can make sure that the cam gear wasn't misaligned when it was installed before I put things back together.
  11. Nup - not yet - taking my time - gotta check a couple of things first.
  12. Hey fellas...
  13. Going...going...gone See you later ppl
  14. Tasmania - dont think so - someone show me a map please:) The auto sparky that I went to in Joondalup had an awesome $14k diagnostic tool that plugged into the car & also had a hand held cro - misht get him to go for a drive with me. Only problem is I don't know what the signals shiould look like but i think the magic book says what output coltage ranges should come up. BTW - you're right Ken, I am about to lose my self control. Had to restrain myslelf from putting on the steel caps & hammering a couple of panels this afternoon - Naomi told me to go and have a lie down before I got out of hand.
  15. Keep things in the family - that's all I'm gonna say.
  16. You naughty naughty man
  17. If I start changing things too much I may never get to the source of the problem - better to try a back to basics approach I feel.
  18. Crackling - I'll give ya crackling... When I got home I was listening to the idle whilst cooling down the turbos. I revved the engine a got an awesome ass explosion out of the thing - missus came out to see what had happened!!! Reckon that one would have been good for some flamage:)
  19. I believ so Paul - I will find out.
  20. Hey Ken - hope I didn't get you in too much strife today! Seemed like you relished the chance to take a break from your household duties anyways:) Car was idling at 1100rpm on the way home with a/c on. Switched it off & revs went to 1300??? Started later & idling was at about 600??? What the?
  21. I don't mind one that's not new, but I believe there is a bit of work installing them so it would make sense to put one in to stay, therefore better not to risk one that may also have problems. Then again, depends on how much I can get a second hand one for - I already borrowed one off Ray last year just to check against the mess that the japanese owner had left - used to be able to stall the car by jiggling (hmmm...images non car related come to mind!) the harness near the ecu.
  22. I'm gonna call Jerry tomorrow - hopefully leave the bugger with him till it's fixed.
  23. Yep - that's the problem though cos you can't expect them to spend their time testing things without getting paid. Might ask Brett about his PowerFC. Might also order a new harness cos I can get one for $600, just have to wait a few weeks for it to be made & sent from Japan.
  24. Tried an auto sparky - may as well have given them a camel. Need someone who knows Nissans.
  25. Probably notice straight away. But I reckon the problem is not the ecu but wiring as you indicated, or a sensor that is playing up. At least with an aftermarket ecu I could monitor the signal outputs & use that to determine the problem.
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