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Everything posted by Micko

  1. BTW Ken, Macka may have changed his name - I think it happened around the time that he started sitting down to have a pee:)
  2. I can't get broadband - not available in my area cos I live in a poverty stricken part of town...bastards. And yeah...got a couple of mates that have toy cars
  3. Ken - you gonna dump all this footage on cd for me? I wanna send a copy to my rex owning mates!
  4. Touche - biatch!!! My turn will come buddy - you just wait. Ken I'm on dial-up, so now you know how I feel.
  5. Here, here Ken - I recall you saying the same thing to me. BTW - you were dead bloody right!
  6. Not my scene Macka - hot chickies wearing next to nothing swallowing pills with smiley faces on them...getting all sweaty on the dance floor... I'll be back in a minute - gotta go take a cold shower:)
  7. All the warning SIGNS indicate that tenzero has gone a DRIFT Macka.
  8. I thought your influence would kerb his desires
  9. Yep - I smelt fine - just starting to get a good crust up, a bit of BO & out comes the scent of a man that should wash more often
  10. Get him to have a test drive...it's all over after that. Everything else is a toy, hey Ken?
  11. Hey Smacka - when's the next video night? Captain Ken you gotta come too since he only lives around the corner from you.
  12. Yep - boss is out so I gotta entertain myself single handedly
  13. Hello...anybody there? I'm bored sheetless!
  14. What the? Show yourself Macka... Yep, had fun. Should do it more often:uh-huh:
  15. ...and now you're not What a tosser am I...I shoulda read the posts! *Dumbass*
  16. Mack attack...you're back! Vas happenin' dude?
  17. nvsol??? Do tell. Sheesh...it's quiet tonight. Should liven up once Wee-Spec has fininshed his dinner date with his man whore.
  18. Ken... Did you get anywhere with the RS581's you were looking at on SDU? Watch out Mr. Rexy if you do!
  19. Ken... Did you get anywhere with the RS581's you were looking at on SDU? Watch out Mr. Rexy if you do!
  20. Thanks again Ken (ooh that rhymes) I hope like hell that you don't decide to cash in all the favours that I owe you - let me know in advance so I can sell something of value *Hey Naomi, I need you to help me out with something...* *SLAP*
  21. Good work Ken - when/where's the next round? If you're not too busy tomorrow can I try your ecu? Just a quick trial will quash my concerns about power I think. Wouldn't mind you taking my boy for a lap as well since you will be able to tell straight away if he's not performing like he should.
  22. Cool - now to find 2 more people & then I can make the booking. You will need to pay in advance - I know it's not cheap but I certainly need the training! No point having a quick car & not being able to handle it. It will be awesomw fun as well & there is very little chance of coming unstuck - you wont even get out of 2nd gear so speeds are fairly low. The instructors are tough (i.e. "this car should be much faster out of this corner, etc) but I reckon that's the best way for them to be.
  23. I posted it on the thread (read man, read:)). For the record it is $185, 1/2 day & only 5 people. Lots of track time & lots of time for the instructor to tell you how slow you are! Looking at March 29th if we can get 5 people, so far just me & Wee-Spec.
  24. Yep - I agree, but we can do an advanced driver training sessions at MC Motorsport without the need for any special licenses, etc. All you need to do is shell out the doleros & pay attention to the instructor.
  25. Read the MC Motorsport thread - if you are keen we still need to find 2 more drivers for the day.
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