That statement smells rather ironic - work & IT in the same sentence, hey Troy.
Let me left mouse button, click right mouse button, click left mouse button...phew...gotta take a break now:bahaha:
...that's better...just finished the dishes:)
Now onto the vacuuming & then clean the toilets...yippee!
What's that - the washing machine has stopped...better go & hang the clothes out.
...yes dear - I'm almost finished the housework, I'll cook dinner soon, OK?
I think we're all horsepower hungry aren't we?
Have you had your car dyno'd? if so what sort of power are you getting to run 11's?
Haven't heard of 'Group A" turbos before so be curious to find out about them - were they on the car when you bought it?
Nup - can't afford to chance having too much to drink, hence the pensioner-p*ss that I was drinking.
I have watched that video about 150 gazillion times anyway. Good fun to get together & have a laugh.
Hey - can you see if you can find any info on NTK Knock Sensors (KNE01 & KNE01-A). I can't find jack even on the NYK site.
Yep - let me know & I'll see if the Minister for War & Finance will let me out!
Gotta go now - get those bids started people - I'm sure Ken will tell you what he's doing.
Be back later if anyone's here...