your either a moron, or quite intelligent and have something to say.
I will assume the latter. I wont be in attendance on sunday for personal reasons. I think its very sad that people lost their lives, I really do and my strongest condolences goes out to the family and friends of the deceased.
The link with this forum was that it was a skyline owner who died. Sure the fact that it was such a well known car will add to the hysteria, but at the end of the day people lost their lives and that should be peoples reason for attendance (or not as the case may be)..
I think what happened the other day was horrific, and was a stupid waste of life. I dont want any of you mofos pulling the "we have all done stupid stuff" comments here either. I know we all have, but there is a difference between a short blat in the middle of nowhere by your self and doing in excess of 170 with three passengers in a car you have barely driven before on a small public road.
Mourn the loss of the lives, mourn the fact that people still have no respect for their own lives, the lives of others and the cars they are driving.