Pizzazz... Hell yeah! Now I just need to need purchase a nice set of tyres and work on turn 2 & EC. If I can do that with a similar about of style I will be a happy camper.
Yes, I drink alot of coke. It is like a smoking addiction (not that I smoke), but when I am stressed (which is quite alot in my job) I drink coke. I gave it up but had migranes, so I went back on it. It may not be a good thing, but its my only poor diet habit (other than Chocolate Mud Cake).
Its a shame we live in a world where someone could potentially want to harm so many innocent people, especially for some of the reasons which come to the light post these events. Still definatly not a reason to stop indulging in the small pleasures in life.
When it comes to Fleetwood Mack I am at a loss. It is not a genre I listen to. If you wanted to talk Ian Durey or Queen (which was more 70's & 80's) then I am all ears.