I remember when I was at school I had a mobile phone, I was considered a yuppy. Yet by the time I was in yr 12 everyone had one. I remember when I was 13 I was working for a company building desktops and servers, I was labelled a nerd but now some of those who dared to give me crap send me emails begging for my help.
I am not a nerd, I just work very hard in the IT industry. I have knowledge of a wide range of systems and I am responsible for millions of dollars worth of kit, and thousands of users. It is so easy for me, I work with the business to ensure that what ever technology we need is obtained and setup in our company.
This is not a brag session, but if I have the mind, focus and strength to deal with all these systems, people & projects, then sure as hell I could master cars.
I promise you that cars are alot easier than a enterprise computer system.