A better way of putting that would definitely be a good thing.
Considering that Thursday was my first time on a race track, I happen to think I did pretty well. You would know, being pretty experienced at EC yourself that the lines are not as you think they would be (turn 2 is a perfect example), and there's really only one way to get them right. Practice.
While I don't disagree it would have been good to have a more experienced driver riding shotgun to eliminate the "trial-and-error" aspect of the day, this wasn't available, so I made do on my own. Although you may not have meant for it to come out the way it did, it's pretty tactless to mention people by name in the manner you have done here though, regardless of who it is you're talking about.
It might put other new people off in future if they get the feeling that their lack of experience (and this is basically all it comes down to) is going to be talked about in such a manner.
Just a thought.