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I was caught doing 31 & 35 in a 60 zone. Once early in the morning like you. The officers both times booked me for 15 over and I paid the fine. I was not happy I got fined, but my ongoing gripe about the low speed limits and poor driver education was not a grounds for defence.
When I got fined I was the proud owner of a 1999 Celica SX-R, and both times I got fined I was asked 101 questions, they checked out the car, they asked me several times who owned the car, they did license and rego checks. I dont mind that they think i stole it.. Cos if someone did and they cops pulled him over in it I would want them to catch him.
I asked how many points I would lose, he answered with a speil about how i can get an extension on the payment. I asked again how many points, he told me again about the payment extension.. I finally got the points out of him.
It was kinda weird..
At least they where nice to you, you could have gotten worse.
Find out if they are permitted to give you a fine like that, I was told by a reliable source that officers need to have special training in speed assesment. If they where out of line then contest it. The reason I say contest it is for the sole reason of keeping them honest! If there is no one to police the police, then we are in big trouble.