hey guys i found this website my mate told me about im not looking after it just thought i might post it up so people can come along
31 JAN 2010
"Hi All,
Welcome back for another exciting year with Qldcruising.net! Last year was huge, lets make this one even bigger with more events, more new users and more posts than any year yet!
For the kick off this year we will be traveling to the beautiful Hastings Point near Potsville. This drive is about 2 hours out of Brisbane. The drive will include a large amount of highway driving as well as some B road action. The local corner store at Hastings Point do possibly the best chips I've had yet and have a meal for everybody at relatively affordable prices.
Meet: Dreamworld Car Park (at the back nearest to the Highway)
Time: 10:30am
Leave: 10:50am
Bring: Full tank of fuel (or close to it), UHF Radio if you have one, Money for some food, Swimmers (if you'd like to go swimming), Camera!
Finish: Hastings Point Car Park off Tweed Coast Road @ aprox 1:10pm
Please feel free to invite your friends and others who'd like to come along. Please remember that we're all representing Qldcruising on these events, whether you have a sticker on your car or not. This means that we'll be going by the usual cruise rules listed at the following link: http://www.qldcruising.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1375
It's going to be an awesome day, stickers and shirts will be on sale! I won't have my car on the day but I will let you know what to look for at the meet closer to the day. We hope to see some of our new members along on this one so you can see what we're all about at Qldcruising.net"
THis wasnt posted buy me its from Benking on qldcrusing.net hit him up if u want info