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Everything posted by {Oo{34}oO}

  1. least it wasnt in a skyline, theres already a few wankers that give us all a bad name
  2. hey mate welcome 2 SAU! gettin a 34 on my Ps was the best decision i eva made lol n i bet it will be the same 4 u... just sux gettin rid of it cuz u do get bloody attatched 2 em, lol yeh im still morning mine like i lost a gf lol lookin forward to meetin ya
  3. i went 2 a place called lynx that imported them 4 me, im not sure bout places up ur way... google is ur friend lol ... the only thing i found is that they were alot more reliable than other brands n they fixed up all of the ignition trouble i had like misfiring best possible thing u can do exhaust wise is to get rid of any restrictions u can that are blocking exhaust gases, eg. mufflers, hot dogs, cats etc... Only problem is doing this will make ur car very much illegal what u will be best doin is a full 2.5" exhaust including extractors (3" u will loose alot of low end power)... its up 2 u with stainless or mild steel, i did mild as it was cheaper n made a much betta sound ... put a hi flo cat in it (dont gut the cat lol)... a hi flo muffler with a nice big single or twin tip... that way it should be putting out about 90db which in nsw is legal, dunno bout qld tho... only trouble i found is that sitting on 3k revs it dronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnned lol Pod i would sell n leave the stock airbox n snorkle on it with a good K&N panel filter N/As cost alot to get any big power gains! i would personally just do a nice simple cat back n work on suspension n handling
  4. paint it black n hide it lol avoid cop attention
  5. i got my set 4 $600, that was 1 year ago... it all depends on the jap aussie dollar at the time, i reckon that price was bloody good compared to all the other brands n splitfires r reliable... just dont expect any power gains lol ... they combined with NGK platinums stopped any missing n lasted really well... i was almost tempted to try the splitfire plugs??? dunno any1 thats used those tho???
  6. LOL! ummmm not at sum times
  7. mine wasnt quiet that bad, i got my gtst a week b4 i got off my green Ps to fulls... stupid i know cuz i had 2 drive to work n home 4 7 days... 3 days after getting my full licence i got pulled over on my way 2 work4 an rbt, i was like jeeeeeeeeeeez!!! so luckly i learnt that way n not while still on a restricted licence
  8. hahahahaha! now thats how its done, but even still prevention is the best defense, be smart bout where every1 parks their cars, alarms, immobilisers, insurance, nothing visually left in sight for theft... neighbourhood watch ftw lol
  9. lmao! be like one of those horror movies, ya head pops up from the backseat with a chainsaw or sumtin when they think they got off scott free ahahaha... seriously do it
  10. if im home man ill let ya know
  11. grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! f***ing basturds!!!!!! sleep in the damm thing so they will have to steal it with u in it... its amazing what this world is turning into, i mean its ur pride n joy n all pple wanna do is ruin that
  12. big +1 to the cops being more laid back on the CC! lol they must have had their monthly quoter raised by the government tho as they r getting abit more harsh lol, but as long as ur not doin the wrong thing or driving a car with a cop magnet in it they generally dun even take a second look at u
  13. its not so much "un safe" for our cars even tho they can say it till the sky falls down... its more the fact that its pointless not having it enclosed with CAI, as all its doin is sucking hot as engine air into the intake thus lowering performance... in nsw they must also be fully mounted, lol which means no cable ties!
  14. ohhhh! i had no idea lmao! ur spotted anyway
  15. yewwww awesome news dude! have a merry christmas to
  16. hahahaha u poor bugger... ill help u long as nuffin is cable tied
  17. spotted that same damm maroon 33 again! sounds like hes dun sumtin 2 the dumps since last night
  18. lucky bugger!
  19. omg! i remember that! such a crappy thing to happen to a few pple so young, but not just that every1 else who knew them and had 2 pull them outta the wreck... grr n such an amazing car!!!... a couple of my mates who r firies were called to the accident, n they couldnt beleive it cuz the car really did get torn in half
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