Well I suggest getting at least 2 quotes to get the car fixed, with the original bar, (just a quote) then send a copy of both quotes along with a letter to both the insurance agency and the woman. Stating that if no reply is sent within two weeks you will be taking legal action. If they don't, then get a solicitor and take it to court. There was no police on the scene so there is no evidence. They can't check skid marks after the fact. I hope you've got contact's for the witnesses who said it was her fault.
If it goes to court you will win, the only true fact in the case is that she pulled out in front of you. All you have to say is It didn't feel like I was speeding and what ever you do, don't once admit you broke the speed limit. You don't have to say you weren't speeding, just don't say anything. Then sue for legal and repair costs. Then take the money and speed the extra on what ever bar you want.