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Everything posted by gmx

  1. I've found that option on some websites in order to purchase but no official spec sheets outlining things like dimensions, part numbers, model designations to cover but distinguish the 7163 lineup. Seems like a tight-lipped affair. Wonder if Geoff would enlighten us.
  2. Perhaps I missed it, but will the 7163 make it the B2 frame, TST4 production?
  3. What other driver's can't do it ... you can almost write and endless list of deficiencies of the common driving culture in Australia. All they do is drive between white lines, eyes glued to their speedo and the road ahead. Oblivious to everything else. of course, majority can't even do that properly. My commute daily is most single lane road. The amount of dumbshits that slow down for school zones on holidays. Slow down to 35km/h in a 60 zone (as soon as they see camera warning signs). You try tactics like getting in their mirrors or being cheeky and using the lights. They're oblivious to that too. They have no idea what's going on behind, and to the side of them. And little regard to ahead as proven by erratic and improper driving behaviour according to road & traffic conditions.
  4. Either way, isn't 50psi comp on #6 low anyway?
  5. go the GTR. You said this is going to be a daily and not a dedicated ie caged, stripped track hack. Imo, you will not like a I4 low CR turbo after driving your RB25T. The 26 with the twins is far better suited. BUT, I bet more on maintainability.
  6. More general Lee
  7. I beg to differ. It's not linear as power increases. A % is a better tool, but still not accurate. Fluid viscosity and simple gear mechanics have a lot to do with it. There are engineering articles out there if you'd like to read up on it.
  8. Those are under the high powered 6 cylinder car restriction. Exemption worked for me...
  9. Do you have pics & details of it? Black/silver? Email? Can't PM here.
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