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  1. Ya I know I just feel silly that I didn’t do the most logical thing and just assumed it’s busted based on my friend’s car… 🤪
  2. thanks!!! i always knew its ridiculous if some soft FOD could damage a MAF sensor... yeah there were some sponge stuck inside... a little vacuum and it is purring like a kitten. u saved me some moolah. 😘 I almost placed an order for a new sensor!
  3. ok ill have a look... also just wondering when i said second one ive seen busted.. the first one was on a friends Subaru STI... i messaged him just now and just remembered he actually managed to drive home by unplugging his afm... so i tried doing mine as well just now but it doesnt want to idle... it started and just died instantly... anyway ill have a look... fingers crossed its still working so all i have to spend are just filters...
  4. Hi all, haven’t driven my car in about 2 years and decided to drive and I think I’ve busted my afm because my air cleaner has some of the sponge missing…car won’t idle… is my afm busted or can a quick clean to the sensors do the trick ?? It is using a r35 afm… and damn those hks air filters… second one I’ve seen busted due to not being driven in a long while…
  5. Blitzer did u also by any chance cleaned the screw that has an oring attached??? Or did your even have an oring ???
  6. I'm also curious if u guys also remove the screw that has an oring attached. I removed the screw and the rubber oring broke. Not sure if it's just any oring as the shape looks unusual
  7. Manage to find my old video where I made sure there was no restriction with the iwg movement. From the looks of it, it looks like I have to find my boost issue else where since you proved its not the iwg Have been hesitant to get a boost leak test like what you've done in your video but oh well... BTW dumb question but your leak was blown through the iwg and not the intake right? A58BAB67-4AAC-4A5D-A2EE-BF572ABBDEE5.mov
  8. Argh have to scratch that now. On a side note came to think of it, I actually remember having issues with the arms not aligned properly. Did you bend it yourself or something
  9. Iirc mambas came with no diaphragm though...
  10. BTW your video can't work for me
  11. After reading your post, I'm beginning to suspect this f**king POS wg is the culprit I can't build a steady boost and not because of my turbo housing which I personally instructed a shop to modify. I can't guarantee it is the cause of my boost issues for sure but prior to using this POS gate I had no issues with my ebc set up using even the stock iwg. BTW I was even using the most hardest spring that came with it!!! But thanks for sharing your findings. something for me to look into now.
  12. Guys... My car is possesed/idle hunt again. So obviously I knew what to do. Idled great after cleaning. Been years since I last cleaned it... This time however I didn't fully remove the screw though as I'm afraid I might damaged the rubber oring like I did in the past... Plus it was really really hard to fully remove the screw. Pos oring must've been stuck. So anyway it started idle hunting less than 2 days later !!! very mild but got worst over time... Now it's basically idle hunting in every traffic stop but it WILL go away after 20 or so seconds... Any ideas where I should check again? Or is the iac valve tired/broken? Or maybe the solenoid? Or maybe the oring is damaged?
  13. When I was using bcpr7es I was misfiring. Swapped them to iridiums and it was working fine. Could be my tired coil packs but im not sure but so far no misfires...
  14. Thought I'll update this. Blown turbo [emoji849]
  15. U received my pm? Lol ;p
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