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Trent H

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Everything posted by Trent H

  1. Oooh yeah, home made pizza http://t.co/uz5XQrqZK5

  2. If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.

  3. A camera shop that gets that busy it needs tickets. #thatcanthappen http://t.co/gMYciUe6xB

  4. This 7-Minute, Research-Based Workout Exercises Your Whole Body http://t.co/IX3u7vEcvz Good read

  5. It's like the local convention of the new mums down the coffee shop. So many prams to dodge.

  6. This is a rare car, the babyzilla. All the makings of a GTR, but with an RB20DET. Think of it as a GTR on a Beer budget. Still relatively stock, only slight modifcations. Upgraded to R33 turbo Red devil front mount intercooler Turbo smart BOV Turbo Smart adjustable boost controller Turbo Timer 18" Wheels Panasonic MP3 stereo 15" subwoofer This has been a great car, have owned for 8 years, sad to see go, however, have upgraded to an R34 GTR. $10000 ono inc safety certificate photos : http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/nissan-skyline-1989-14831389
  7. What a start to the day1. Your rock up and some lady has been hit by a car 2. Can't get a good carpark3. Nobody is bloody here to let me in anyway. Happy Friday. Lmao

  8. Definitely love this work! :)

  9. That's it. The job is over. Now for new things.

  10. TestFlight welcomes Android to the crew. http://t.co/qeJc24bjfd via @testflightapp

  11. Finally. Resigned.

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