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Everything posted by ResidentPsycho

  1. Reckon you could try this one for me please? ECR33007029 cheers
  2. God.... i was only asking for some advice A) i don't have a turbo car B) none of my mates have turbo cars C) most of the shit i've read from people on the net is just that...shit so how am i suppose to learn without asking some questions? and i didn't know where the afm is on this car. for the record, that whole blocking off idea i obviously didn't think right through now did i, it was just a last second thought before i posted. (admins, can you please remove this thread for me? before i make an idiot of myself some more )
  3. Cheers for the reply! Hmm guess I'll have to rely on the ol' man then
  4. First time posting here, been lurking on here for a while now. Anywho. I'm going down to brisbane to have a look at a 1993 r33 gts-t with 120k on the clock (might get it, might not). Being on my P plates i know i cannot drive it (not until feb). Since it will just be me and my mate, we're both on P's. Worse case I'll have to drag my ol' man along for the trip. Now I'm wondering if I disconnect the output of the turbo to the plenum and shove an air filter on at the plenum (or pull of the turbo and block off the exhaust), would I be able to drive it back legally (without getting hassled by the boys in blue) and without harming the car, it's about a 130km drive each way? And I don't plan on driving it anymore until feb. Cheers
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