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Everything posted by Scotsman

  1. Yep - Project Mu or URAS drum hand brake shoes. Have tried hydraulic. Don't do it, it's gay. ABS and 4WD computer doesn't like it much. Hanbrake shoes work great if your cable is tight and the little adjuster that sits in between the handbrake shoes is set properly on both sides.
  2. Woops - Uploaded the Feb one instead of May. Link above should be good now. Click Here
  3. The Event Schedule is ready to go: Click Here Enjoy!
  4. Or perhaps someone had just lost their job and needed some capital to get their next venture off the ground, but had burnt all his previous bridges because he's a lying scammer and all his family, friends and collegues know it, so he needed a cunning way to raise some short term capital to invest in ..........
  5. Yep that's him. Perhaps his tip will be to take a shot of the WHOLE car?
  6. Couldn't have said it any better myself.
  7. Do you even have a car?
  8. LOL - First i've heard about it.... Gues I should show up to these things.
  9. LOL - That's hilarious Age. I don't know why we havn't made that connection with Teh Bris / Stig before.
  10. I'd Also like to acknowledge Che Boocock, Tom Giordano and Russell Cunningham. You all drove well to beat some faster cars and a fair few 4WD cars. Also Tim did very well considering Mick broke his car and he had a one DNS. To still get 9th outright is great.
  11. Yeah consistance wins DECA. This will always be the case. If your fast, but hit hats then you almost can't win against a slower, but consistant compedator. If we would have had another say two events I might have been able to claw back the other 6 points to catch ryan. But with a single day event you need to drive clean to win. Not that i'm complaining, i'm happy to see ryan win DECA. It would be boring if the one person always won.
  12. Lol, Nah it's only because Ryan put me on the left side for the battles which had a nice layer of dust all over the pan. Pretty much everyone wiped out a gate on that left side until it was rubbered in. So I call it cold calculated DECA murder, setup by a desperate man. I know excuses, excuses.
  13. Results are done: Click Here
  14. Results are done: Click Here Finally Ryan has won a deca!
  15. LOL - Sign me up... "I pay cash now"
  16. Yes, they are similar. One is run in reverse with some extra turns and one has an extra gate added. We chose these ones, as they are simple and fun. Should be easy enough to remember. Chris' tip for remembering motorkhana's 101: Look at the map, then trace it with your finger while pointing at the skidpan. Do this a few times to make sure it's in your head. Once you think you have got it, put the event schedule behind your back, and if you can still point out the map with your finger, then you have committed it to memory.
  17. Including my worn semi's. No heat = no grip = getting told off my Wayne. For me heat was a real issue at HH.
  18. Yep, The timer will be on the armco looking directly across the finish line with stopwatch in hand. There will be a set of chicanes after the finish line to remind you to slow down. I'll test this in the morning to make sure ample braking time is allowed, so that it is safe for our new drivers.
  19. Hi Guys, I have completed the Event Schedule for the day. Added to Page one, Post #1
  20. The event schedule isn't completed as yet. If I get it done early then I can post it up, otherwise it will just be handed out on the day.
  21. Got 'em. Waiting on Dean Taylor's entry still. We will try to put you all in the same group.
  22. Yep, we will bring up some cannon ball helmets and hair nets for general use by passengers. Also make sure your passenger signs our disclaimer form prior to entering the car.
  23. It can be arranged. I'll try to remember when im doing the groupings next week.
  24. Yeah thanks heaps for you help last event Sandeep. We couldn't have run the day without you! If anyone else is coming up and can lend a hand let us know here: After all, the day is run entirely by volunteer help, so if your coming up and can bring a mate to help out we'll feed them, water them, and try to give them a front row seat too. We need starters, timers, and help on the back track to notify timers of when someone hits a hat.
  25. I agree. I think Wayne would make an excellent Pres. Not that ash hasn't done a great job this year past.
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