Great to hear everyones feedback. I think that the events we ran were awesome fun whether you car was super modified or stock. I'm already thinking about the next one, and how to possibly improve on an almost perfect weekend. Thanks heaps to everyone who came along, the WRX officials (Wayne and Barry) and a special thanks must go out to the non CAMS officials too, without them we simply could not have run the event, and they came up off their own backs at their own cost too. So big thanks.
James excellent work again as 'Master of Ceremonies.' People seem to listen to you for some silly reason...
I'm going to be collecting and editing all footage I can get my hands on, so PM me if you have some. So far I have two of my own tapes (thanks Bec), one from Pete (Bass) and one from Shiv (RBN1) This footage will be shown at the next SAU meeting and/or the beer/bbq/vids night. I'll try to make a few copies on DVD for you guys to snaffle up.
Bring on Dutton....