I could sit here and just and be an anonymity, but I'd rather not. From reading all of these, "victimization" accounts, the perception of a "victim" is wrong.
You are not the victims, the victim was the 6 year old, that was mowed down in Morwell.
"Drifting", is what some may call it, utter stupidity is what we call it. I know it was a Commodore, but these are the types of idiots, who get behind these types of cars.
If it means we have to pull over every commodore/import we see, just to catch these louts, so be it.
This us vs them mentality, which seems to exist, through-out the motoring scene today, is a joke. Believe it or not, we are not out to get you, we'd rather be munching on a 'doughnut', than chasing after some tard.
I know some of you may think of us as, 'cops' or 'dogs', but we are merely doing our jobs. For every life lost, we are the ones, who share the blame.
We often get criticized of, "not doing enough", or this years favourite, "too busy, revenue raising".
As far as defects go;
1. Don't drive like an idiot. You will be amazed, how easily you won't stand out.
2. Maintain your car's roadworthiness, as much as possible.
The third and foremost
3. Attitude. Don't be a smart-ass. That's what leads to many, of these so called borderline defects, being handed out in the first place.
Funnily enough, of all such stories posted here not too many mention, their initial attitude and conduct, towards the officer.
From experience, the amount of, "smart-asses', encountered on a daily basis is comical at best, whether due to the sheer frustration of being pulled over, or just the attitude among young people today. But more often than not, there is a general lack of respect shown.
Showing a bit of respect can go a long way towards receiving such defects.
We are not asking you, to treat us like the royal majesty, just to show the same level of respect, shown towards your family/friends.
Be an ass, and many will make it their 'duty', to get you for 'something', just to put you in place.
Having said that, we make mistakes too, sometimes you're going to come across a complete, 'prick'. But you have to remember, we're humans too, we're fuelled by the same emotions, and we have our bad days as well.
Hence sometimes, you may encounter the, 'abuse of power'; it is appalling to see, and yes many of us, do condemn it.
I'm all for club cruises, they are a great way to show the public, the difference between, "idiots" and the "enthusiasts". After all, the public are the ones, who judge you in the end. They are the ones who "dob" you in, after each offence.
However they are misleading to an extent, it's easy to behave for a few hours at a club cruise, in the confinement of a large disapproving group.
The problem lies within, when each of these "enthusiasts", is on their own, and commits offences, whilst under the reputation of the SAU sticker on the window.