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Everything posted by Rustspecs13

  1. So I guess no one knows? I can't find anything one way or the other. ~Alex
  2. It can also be air bubbles in the cooling system. My maxima did that when the coolant temp sensor hit an air pocket and changed temps too fast. So the ecu tells you this by revving the engine up and down at an idle. Of course that's if the IACV is in good working order and clean and all that. ~Alex
  3. So my rb20det hasn't been together since this past September, and I'm trying to throw it back together tonight. And the box my valve springs/retainers/etc were in got thrown around and my valve springs are all mixed up. But there are about 8-10 springs on the sides that they were on. I have an idea what row was intake and which was exhaust. Which is fine except they all seem to be the exact same. And then there's about 20 springs that are all mixed up in the middle. The problem is every single spring looks identical, same number of coils, height, diameter, and even all the paint colors match. The other thing is I have an RB25DET I'm rebuilding that's going to be installed in the next month or two. So the RB20 is just a temporary solution. Its going to be run on a stock ecu for now, with a holset hx30 in my S13 here in the states. So thanks for your help! ~Alex
  4. I should have figured. I'll go get my engine stand from my friends and pull it down.
  5. I have an RB20DET swapped in my 240sx in the US. I have put only about 3,000 miles on it since I swapped it in last spring. First the headgasket blew after about 2400 miles of street driving, while I was at the frist drift pratice. It took me a while to find a non metal head gasket, and I put it back together. 700 or so miles later, the timing belt idler let loose and bent all my valves. That was about 6 months ago. Now that I'm about to put the long block togehter, modified oil drains and all, I noticed there was a score in cyl #1. I cant feel it with my finger nail or through my skin, but I can see it. And its right in line with where the head gasket blew, or its 180deg off. It seems like it could be parts of the head gasket stuck in the ring, or worse yet a cracked ring. But I would think a cracked ring would just be a score not a quarter inch wide mark. And also it looks like it was forced all the way over to the left in the bore. All the pistons seem to have the same gap though so I dont think its a big deal. I have been told I could just hone it out since I cant feel it with my hand, but that would mean Id tear every thing down. That would aoso mean buying arp main studs and rod bolts, unless I wanted to risk it. It is going to be used for daily driving and drifting. I can also pick up a RB25 that needs a few valves, a gasket kit. And just use my RB20 running gear.But thats $300-500 for just the motor. Any way what do you guys think, I would like to get my rb power back as soon as possible! ~Ale
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