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Everything posted by Cowboy1600

  1. Obvious troll obviously isn't that obvious.
  2. Basslink is bi-directional so when Loy Yang is generating excess Tassy can take some and they can send some back if they have it to spare and we require it. On top of that it supplies only a fraction of our power. On top of that again we can exist without power. A water pipe would be one way. On top of that, if you compare it to the Sugarloaf Pipeline, the cost would be astronomical. The Sugarloaf pipeline cost $750m and is 70ks long over land. Double the length, increase the diameter pipe and lay it 70 meters under the sea and then pay for it. Minimum it'd be around $2B just on length alone. Add in complexity of underwater and I'd be surprised if there was much change from $10B. All that for a pipe which still relies on rain and also the goodwill of the Tassie government to continue selling us the water without interruption. No thanks. Give me desal any day.
  3. What happens when you end up with a government in Tassie who doesn't like the government in Victoria? What happens when climate change reduces the abundance of Tassie water to the point they can no longer supply mainland Australia? How much would the pipeline have cost to build and then maintain? Desal is the best insurance policy for water security. Regarding the power required, the ALP legislated to fund enough wind to power it plus some therefore negating it's CO2 output. The libs quashed this.
  4. I'd be all for a couple billion dollars of the money saved by scrapping the EWL be used to pipe water out to rural areas that could use it to irrigate for farming. It's not a waste of money, it's an insurance policy. Well, it's not a waste in so far as insurance is not a waste. Personally I hate insurance, paying the premium each year sucks balls, but if you ever need it you sure are glad you have it.
  5. Yeah, just some guy. The libs refused to release basically any info regarding the cost of the EWL so "some guy" had to use the figures at his disposal. Again, this was stage one. Stage two, from Citylink to the Ring Road, would be an even bigger and more expensive project, so $10B for that stage is probably quite conservative.
  6. And the day it is turned on we'll all be very glad it's there. The desal plant is an insurance policy. We'll go through another drought within the next decade and by then we'll be housing another 1-1.5 million people in Melbourne. The pressure on water storage will be just too much. More dams is a stupid idea because at the end of the day they still require rain. We can't rely on rainfall any more for long term water security.
  7. I call bullshit on it's inevitability. And even if it is, it's still not a good investment at this point in time. Spend the money on projects which will give a better return. Once it works it's way to the top of the pile from a CBA perspective then build it. Regarding public transport, just because you don't use it doesn't mean it's no good. There are loooots of people who rely on public transport and lots who would, if it were more accessible. A rail line out to Mernda would take thousands of cars off the road daily in the north east and even the Eastern. My brother in law is fairly typical of people out that way. He works for Telstra and has almost no option but to drive. The car parks at any station within cooee are full by 6:30am so he drives to work in the city. If he was within walking distance, or an acceptable push bike trip to a station he would catch the train. There are lots and lots of people like him on those outer suburbs.
  8. That's the total estimated cost. The $8B being advertised was just the proposed cost of Stage 1.
  9. Cars and motorbikes for me? Outer Ring Road, finishing the Northern Road, extra lane at G'Boro end of NRR and also around Sunshine Ave and the Westgate turnoff, metro rail tunnel, level crossing removal, more trains and trams. I'm sure there are more things I could come up with.
  10. Not on your life, my Hindu friend.
  11. The $18B can be much better spent elsewhere. Once the Business Case made light of day it became apparent the Libs had chained us to a dog. It would NEVER had paid for itself. They would have had to toll the Eastern, Westgate and possibly other roads to pay for it. Better we cut our losses and get away from that dog of a policy than charge on and spend $18B (which would no doubt have blown out to $30B once all was said and done) on a piece of shit. The blame falls SQUARELY on the previous government. They signed the contract heading into an election which they knew they were not going to win and knowing the ALP were not going to go ahead with the project. They also allowed clauses to be placed into the contract which ensured a massive payout should the contract be canned. They had no right, nor need, to sign the contracts pre-election. I'd like to hear the rationale behind the person (to date) who said blame the current government.
  12. Doh! Wheels still available? Interested in posting?
  13. Don't ask questions. Just do what Ben said and be done with it. Scotty will give you the right injectors are the right price.
  14. As for shopping basket, list below contain prices and names of where they came from. Car is fully standard. Goal is 400rwkws E85 using a single bolton internally gated turbocharger, Prices are quoted in RRP by perspective suppliers. 1. Xtreme Pull type Cushion button heavy duty clutch KNI25003-1C. from Race brakes : $891 2. Splitfire coil packs from Just Jap: $589 3. JJR's stainless steel R34 3inches turbo back exhaust system: $770 4. XSpurt 1000cc top feed injectors from Scott Fisher: $750 5: Walbro 470 L/H fuel pump from Scott Fisher: $200 6: Adaptronic R34 Plug in ecu: $1499 7: Havoc Fabrication Front mount cooler kit: $850 8: 4 inches metal induction pipe made by few silicon hoses and a pod: $100 9: Complete dyno tuning from Chequered Tuning $750 10: I will be using my own ATR43G4SAT internally gated bolt on Turbocharger. $1250. Total spending: $7649 Plus about $500 in labor it works out to be $8150.
  15. Stao, you're a f**king legend. That's all I really have to say.
  16. Do want. Option A for me too, please. Someone make it happen. Gogogogogogogogo!
  17. Aye. There's a dude in the states who builds "Corvette" track cars. They are f**king amazing beasts but are simply not Corvettes yet the video I've seen on them everyone is banging on about how brilliant Corvettes are.
  18. Looks that way. There's no mention of it being a NUR now.
  19. It's not a Passat. It's a full custom tubular chassis car with some custom panels which bear a striking resemblance to a VW Passat bolted on. Don't get me wrong, it's a mega car and I'd step over my own mother to get a drive, but it shit's me when cars like this are seemingly advertised as having more than a coincidental likeness of a stock car. There's barely a stock nut or bolt left on that car. And I think LS7s are de rigueur these days.
  20. Don't bother with rb20s. If you're going to draw a line under RB25 turbos, which probably isn't the worst idea, I'd concentrate on XR6 turbs or perhaps something for our retarded VG cousins.... sorry Fairlady and M35 owners.....even the designation VG sounds a little retarded....
  21. What's the part number on the clutch and will you post?
  22. Huzzah! Glad to be able to contribute to the upkeep of this place, finally! As for things to grant elite? How about a custom gold theme
  23. Clutch? Any idea what's in it and if it's any good?
  24. OK, Stao, I will be making a purchase from you late this week. However I'm still not 100% which turbo. I was going to go the SS2 however I'm going to shoot higher. The car is only a toy so I don't care if driveability suffers. I'm thinking the G3. That would net a comfortable 300+rwkw on pump and 350 on e85, correct? I've just picked up some ID1000s to go into it along with a walbro460. Will be sourcing a new clutch this week after which I'll be ready to go. I get so confused about which turbo does what!
  25. +1 Yep, turns out the original ad was not so fail.
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