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  1. Yeah sorry guys, didn't see that. It was starting to turn into a shit fight at the end lol
  2. I will be cutting carbs I think. I have also dropped whole eggs and having one full egg and the rest egg whites. I don't eat pasta and have cut bread completely. I will also remove carbs after training and start doing fasted cardio in the mornings ( 4 am wake up with half hour cardio followed by 12 hour work day, gym is usually packed straight after work so wait till after tea ) thanks guys
  3. Fine I guess. Last test I had showed my cholesterol to be on the low side. Thinking I might have to do cardio as the walking is incorporated into my job and I cannot bot get around that.
  4. Got a question peeps. I am 169cm current wweight 81kgs. Been gyming last 2 years. I currently have a protein shake on wake Up followed by 4-5 eggs and two slices of muilti grain bread. I than have a protein shake about 3 hours later and than smoko which consists of 3 eggs and tuna, slice of muilti grain bread, Greek yoghart with some watermelon and pineapple. I than have another shake three hours later followed by lunch ( same as smoko ) and again another shake 3 hours later and than tea which consists of meat and vegetables and some carbs followed by gym about an hour later. I than have another shake straight after the session which also has fast digesting carbs. I have structured this so it is not more than 3 hours without meals. Current estimates are about 200 grams of protein and about 120 grams of carbs. Any suggestions on what i can do to grow muscle but strip fat? I walk about 10 Kay's a day with work at a good pace with approx 20 kilos baggage. Body fat is around 28% and I workout about 5 times a week
  5. It's interesting to note that anyone that has had a heart attack or heart surgery is more suseptable to depression. I remember a doc saying that it changes certain chemistry in the brain after woulds. The only reason I remembered this was I just saw it on something about robin Williams
  6. My wife is horrified at the amount of publicity about this. She thinks that because it has been so publicised it could be worse of for people who are thinking of doing all the same thing as it is being glorified. I personally can see both sides of the fence due to suffering from it myself. I see her point but deep down I hope this incident wakes people enough for more action to be taken. I can see how people think it's selfish as they are setting up future issues with there children and partners greatly increasing there chances of self harm. Than there is the other issue of what the person is thinking themselves. I think that there rational thinking is turned off and they cannot see any other way out and have shut down so much that they cannot ask for help.
  7. I started adding cardio into my plan ( hiit x2 a week and run 25min every work out) and not eating as much...... Fark.. Down 5 kilos in 3 weeks and lifts have gone to shit
  8. The only unfortunate side of diazepam is that people can abuse it very easily and if you want to actually work with it your employment options are very limited. Anywhere that has drug testing is a no go. This mongrel drug has a half life of up to 48 hours after that you only half in your system. Than it takes that time again to have half of that half. This goes on for a fair while until finally it's out of your system. I failed a medical due to having one a week and a half before it. As for anti depressants some are good some are not so good. Everyone is different otherwise one drug would work for everyone. I am of the belief that some people cannot " harden up" no matter what they do due to having a chemical imbalance in there brain that will never allow it to function properly. I understand that some people may get down and depressed over a divorce or a death in the family but I feel these people are still not as bad as the ones that have nothing bad happen yet need to be on meds ( it's a different type of depression ). Imagine having a good day and next minute your arm goes numb and so does your face so much that you start slurring. Add the sensation of your heart jumping out your chest and chest pains and life really ain't rosy. What's worse is that just happens anytime and anywhere. While it is never perfect but knowing taking one pill can stop those feelings is a big help.
  9. Hey l33sh if you are on Facebook you can ask bulk nutrients directly. They live for 2 hours a day mon-fri. If you pm they reply back too
  10. In my experience anything that is a supplement powder form and unflavoured isn't going to smell/taste particularly good
  11. Sorry l33sh no. I did however buy some hmb powder from bulk nutrients and the taste is...well... Probably what you described
  12. I had anxiety issues ever since I was young. Once I got older the depression kicked in too. Drinking didn't help. Turned into an alco for about 4 years. I than ended up in hospital with heart doing funny things and that's when the panic attacks started. I tried to combat them and go the gym regularly and exercise but when they kick in I'm rendered useless. ( it's been about 16 months since I've had a drink ) I've tried going without anti depressants and while I am ok for a few months the anxiety comes back and hits me. I just had to go back on the antidepressants. As for people who don't experience anxiety or depression, they can never understand the thoughts or feelings associated with it.
  13. I do recall a few years ago of some athlete who ate a lot of tuna and having higher than norm mercury levels. I say it would have to be an isolated case. Well hoping anyways... I eat the best " John west " lol
  14. Doctor asked yesterday how much Tuna I eat. I said 2 tins a day and she said I should cut back due to mercury levels. Any one heard of this before ?
  15. If anyone is interested. Database with food values http://www.jimstoppani.com/home/articles/foodnutrient-database?preview#_
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