LOL - never knew we had so many closet porsche wannabe's (relax, just a joke)
of all the porches I've seen, it is all about the posser driving it - not for me thanks, I'll take the R35 GTR, afterall that is why I am on THIS forum...
GTR doesn't stop impressing me when I see it in action (saw a Silver one in the flesh and it looked amazing!). basically it comes from a car company that isn't lazy and pushes the boundries in styling/ electronics... latest 911 (c'mon - that is what it is really...) doesn't look that far removed from the first.
if a no money purchase as many of you mention (who here actually owns a GT2 or GT3 to add some depth to this conversation), then I'll take a XJ220, Veyron, or CCX.
I'll leave the VW's, opps - I mean 911's for everyone else