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Everything posted by DAN00H

  1. dude - if you want to let them get away with it, go for it! I have actually DRIVEN OFF on cops, no recourse. you will find there are subsections in any Act.... like i said - it's about knowledge. What started this thread? the P plater speeding, which is clearly something that you are going to get done for, nothings going to save you in that situation. If your mates cars are rego'd and engineered, there is no way I'd take that crap!
  2. the average cop isn't a registered vehicle inspector - I guarantee majority of cops are not going to know a wategate from a blow off valve, I'd love them to test my knowledge of my car. As for the rules, read one of my earlier responses.... I don't like rephrasing something to explain it when it's clear enough.
  3. Dans15, there are plenty of rights that the uninformed motorist has when it comes to being pulled over by police. Sure they can pull you over anytime and say it's for an RBT, but how it goes from there is NOT an open pen for the police. I've experienced police who think they ARE the law and try to do what they want - that ain't gonna happen with me, sorry officer wannabe... I also have a few friends who are police, as I'm sure you either have or are. As far as MY PRIVILLEGE!!, I PAY to use the roads and licencing system - don't you!?!? do you pay for it and expect not to be entitled to use it? That comment about Aussies is such a generalisation - you can get good and bad drivers everywhere! FYI - it's not the police that remove the "privillege" from drivers, it is the courts and the legislation. As I said I'm not here to judge or belittle people. if someone wants to get more informed - why heckel them for it???
  4. Stimps - Full credit for the build up! looks awesome. I must admit, I'd prefer to keep my hard money in the pocket if it's something I can do.
  5. DanS15 - Speak for yourself! the legislation is there to see how the cops work. they are not the be all, end all. A lot of people are scared of the cops because the don't know their rights!!! Personally, I don't take getting hasselled from the cops - if you have / want to thats fine. Dude - not trying to dig you, just want people to be aware and realise YOU THE DRIVER have rights too. Cheers
  6. Contempt, below are the companies who are seeking R34 compliance. you will need to contact them to see what stage they are at as this list is now 2 weeks old. Adrenalin Enterprises PO Box 8461 Gold Coast Mail Centre Bundall QLD 4217 Contact: Tony Brown Phone: 07 5591 2444 Down Under Auto Services 71 Scarborough Beach Rd Mt Hawthorn WA 6016 Contact: Bryan Hubbard Phone: 08 9242 4575 C.A.M Pty Ltd 1520 Albany Highway Cannington WA 6107 Contact: Frank Bempasciuto Phone: 08 9350 9696 Vehicle Direct QLD 2/3337 Pacific Hwy Slacks Creek QLD 4127 Contact: Adam White Phone: 07 3290 0444 Iamshe Pty Ltd PO Box 3046 Southport QLD 4215 Contact: Philip White Phone: 07 557 17133 JB WA Unit 1/1520 Albany Highway Cannington WA 6107 Contact: Jimmy Balducci Phone: 0411 693 256 Cheers and good luck.
  7. you can park in wakefield park - just pay entry fee and should be plenty of parking (just checked with a mate who's Mother used to run the sponsership etc there)
  8. Guys you could always go the back way to wakefield rather than up the hwy. much more interesting drive.... unfortunately, I won't have my car til march 04. Also, try the road down to Kiama through kangaroo Valley, fewer cars on the road and better for punting in my book. Cheers
  9. Redback Here is the legislation for the crimes Act - first link is a list of the sections http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/html/pasteact/0/28/top.htm, this next one is the place to download the Act http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/cgi-bin/downlo...a/pasteact/0/28, here is the area to search for dfferent stuff http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/cgi-bin/qs.pl?...a/pasteact/0/28 Also criminal code links as above http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/html/pasteact/...t/1/686/top.htm , http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/cgi-bin/downlo.../pasteact/1/686 , http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/cgi-bin/qs.pl?.../pasteact/1/686 have a look through, might help if you continue to get hasselled for no reason. Cheers.
  10. Hi Contempt - I'm not able to get access to scan in the info on the R34 GTR at this stage - I can send it to you by fax if you want? otherwise, I'll continue to see if I can find someone who can scan the article in for me. Are you still planning on getting one? I get my R32 GTR about march next year!
  11. Hi Everyone, thought I'd let everyone know (if u're interested that is!!) that DOTARS have decided to allow people with cars bought prior to 2/9/03 that are 1989 models to come in as of 1/1/2004!!! Top news for people who have bought cars and have them sitting in Japan now (me included). Hats off to the Ombudsman's office for going in to bat for us.
  12. RedBack - here is the link http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/ it enables you to search any legislation / Act I'll see if I can find out what the specific Act is that the cops work to in your state.
  13. I took this from the start!!! be interesting to see if does go manual.
  14. I hear ya RedBack - that happened plenty of times to me... just keep your cool and stay out of trouble, cops think they can bully people (esp young guys) cause they know SOME rules. mate go online and download a copy of their legislation- keep it in your car, if they are giving youa hard time for nothing, ask what section of the act (or subsection) they are referring to! (yes, these days I am a public servant so I also know how it works...)
  15. right on Driftpanda - that's where I picked it up.... besides - I thought this was Skylines???
  16. I'm just glad that we are able to choose from so many great (well, and some not so great...) cars now. I was raised on the old your either a Ford or a Holden man (we had both - go figure...) and that the jap cars were Jap Cr*p rice burners.
  17. fair nuf, he seems to have driven everything, so thought he'd appreciate the acronim. I've still got a FORD Found On Rubbish Dump... gotta be able to laugh at yourself every now and again. Yes - I've driven holdens as well, so I'm allowed to poke a bit of fun at them, bout time the 'rice burners' got some back on the local lards...
  18. dude - try insuring the 300kw 100k taxidore, also not cheap. describe comfort? wallowing around in the corners, sliding in the seat? no you are right the two are different - but give me the GTR any tick of the clock. last time I checked the 996 or M3 wasn't built on the commodore chassis, so I don't get your point about daily driver... my ultimate DD would be the Bently Arnage R or Continental T - fast class.
  19. sonic you want to pay 100k to get 300kw from a car that is build from the cheapest pieces available??? Not when you can pick up an R34 GTR for 80k.... I don't know why people get so excited when the local guys do something thats been around elsewhere for years. HOLDEN Holes Oil Leaks Dents Engine Noises...
  20. having been done myself at 3am on a cold Wednesday morning, I can now say it's stupid. Sure, at the time while you are behind the wheel it's great, but we think how we would feel if we ended someones life because we speeding. I lost my licence for 3 months and it cost me $700+, worse still the cops watched my car like a hawk - it's not worth it, better to take it to the track.
  21. contempt - no worries, will dig it out and see what I can do.
  22. Hi Contempt HPI have done a few good write ups of the R34 GTR, I have the special issue with it in if you can't get hold of a copy. I find HPI get some of the best info. Vspec2, not judging you or your car, but I thought the V spec cars deleted the rear wiper? what year is your car 94? I've currently got an R32 GTR in Japan... waiting to see what happens with the 15 year old rule change... If I could afford it I would not car what colour an R34 came in.. oh well, can always dream!!
  23. Hey T88, what you asking for the huffers and down pipes? Cheers.
  24. gee guys, I think the HUGE point we are all overlooking here is the fact the a MAJOR manufacturing company is now producing a turbo car for the masses. this has to eventually lead to lower insurance and a more welcoming joe public. As for the BA, I give ford full credit for having the bollocks to do it - it's not a bad car, got to give credit where it's due.
  25. no worries weetbix. I'm keen to catch up with you guys when I finally get the car......
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