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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. pm this guy. http://www.sau.com.au/forums/user/63525-scotty-nm35/
  2. hence the 90%. besides, quiet I.T types like simon and greg always turn out to be serial killers
  3. Real Madrid have removed the cross from their club crest as part of a lucrative three-year deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. The Spanish club feared the old design would offend Muslims. mohsen. did the cross offend you?
  4. needs more te37's or d1rs. #generic. go 1 spokes.
  5. lol 90% of the people in here would shite them selves when faced with someone robbing them. "uhhh excuse me old boy, you appear to be stealing my car/bike/girlfriend. would you mind desisting, as i dont have my keyboard to hide behind"
  6. where in melbourne chap? literally millions of people that can be recommended. but narrow it down....
  7. lol at gang. what are they gonna do? bombard peoples computers with marketing and spam emails? cover people in really shit but massively pretentious food? buy all the business class plane seats so they have to fly coach? crims be shakin yo
  8. the micra is in a number of parts.... but lives on. the turbo just shat it self. although i reckon old mate f**ked the install.
  9. brilliant.
  10. you want job security? become a jeep mechanic. paraphrasing, when i grew up it used to be ford.
  11. dont bother man, go to a tyrepower and buy maxxis maz1. must be the z1. not v1. again. z1. i paid about 150 a tyre for 18s... grippy as balls, best tyre you can get for 200 bucks and under, and better than a lot more expensive ones... they wil be adorning my wrx when they run out. just goggling them brings up this. if your gonna buy achilles whch are shite, get these. http://www.productreview.com.au/p/maxxis-ma-z1-victra.html
  12. needs to be said. we need to improve our driving test. and stop parents teaching kids/getting hours in. make mandatory lessons with a registered instructor law. too many times i have seen learners sat in the right hand lane for 5km and they are not turning. etc etc etc. the state of driving in this country is terrible. im not saying the basic driving skill, im saying the ability to drive to the rules and conditions of the road. tldr? your a shit kent driver mate.
  13. lol at dying from 4 donations. half of saus users make more than that in a morning.
  14. silver 33 series 2 cranbourne east maccas. v35 or 350z wheels not sure which. about a week ago at 9pm. sau stickers in rear quarter windows. rego sif*** (i think)
  15. lol giving him shit about security. pretty sure that was old mate wank stain with his 34 only meet.
  16. is this shipped via post???? or armed guard being as its for a 34.
  17. call scotty right f**king now.
  18. so just the usual then.
  19. exactly.
  20. f**kING LOL. wack e85 in and tune it. if tuner says-------this is a restriction... upgrade it. if not. skids.
  21. 4doarsmoarwhoresjerrycans....
  22. yes.
  23. ^know those feels.
  24. dat self tuning radio.
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