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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. even banksy drops by!
  2. lulz. i found the tigris river an absolute delight, and some of the best fishing on the planet! where else can one find the lesser spotted severed human head? amazing. i can reccomend a great travel agent as well, you will need to do a small amount of work and have a little experience in the field, but in return you get a six month holiday, and a sizeable amount of money! now pair that with the once in a lifetime activity's, such as...... aforementioned human fishing on the tigris/Euphrates the ability to play live action battlefield3 with actual reaper drones and real life fatalities! no more dodging dog "land mines" on the beach in sorrento, dodge actual real life anti tank land mines that have been there 30 years in the fantasticly golden iraqi sand! there are also plenty of real life work out scenarios for you fitness losers fanatics! run as fast as you can to dodge bullets being thrown at you by an angry man in a dish dash! practice those "dead lifts" by actually lifting a dead american on to your shoulder! work on those core muscles as you carry around 70kg in materials and ammo in sweltering 45c heat! now for testimonials "i had a great time. killed me some dune coons" brian "redneck" spilner "the only thing i regret was that drunken night with the camel" steve "f**ker" wright. what are you waiting for! call today! alternatively, google iraq private security, or, im a redneck christian who wants to murder brown babies.
  3. For f**king travel hipsters, can recommend hanging gardens of Babylon, just out side Baghdad. There's no f**king bushes or flowers but there hundreds of dead white people hung up. They didn't go "tourist" either.
  4. Thanks for advic other week. Fixed the power fc. Few little components needed replacing, couple of dry joints etc. Hand controller would have been easier to replace haha!
  5. Lol please provide addresses and proof of addresses for every country in which you have spent more than 90 days consecutively. ERM, no. Official secrets act bitches.
  6. 10 bucks says he swaps the whole shaft lol its what? 300 bucks? all new, all genuine.... you know me fellas, im all about cheap and nasty. but OP is not.
  7. the man loves his genuine tho.... i found it easier to just replace driveshafts man. yea they are more expensive, but you know youve got brand new cvs etc on there. plus they are much easier to swap than changing a boot.
  8. fuel pump doode
  9. my arab.
  10. THATS SIMPLE DUDE it landed rather terribly in ukraine about 2 weeks later.
  11. i cant walk into parliment house and read about aliens, but i can go play with some fun shit. i fix equipment for the gov, and other people.. airlines, search and rescue choppers etc.
  12. lol at craft beer. f**king minges.
  13. so i paid for my citizenship, just in time to receive my citizenship waiver for my security clearance. thanks australia! how are we melbourne and mike?
  14. loled.
  15. Her face looks like its collapsed.
  16. silver s2 r33 about 30 mins ago Cranbourne east maccas. Rego SIF XXX I was buying the wife a 1 dollar chocolate cone. You where 4king 1st gear between speed bumps Sau stickers in rear quarter glass, v35 wheels i think.
  17. war movies? bravo two zero. sean beans in it.
  18. yea i get that, but its the fact he is replacing the system with something else..made me think it wasnt capable.
  19. spark breaking down at 20 psi?!? thats terrible... whats the yaris setup rated too?
  20. hes not rich. hes paying to have Maserati fixed once a week. he needs bulk habib discount.
  21. How did the tune go Moh?!
  22. thats what his missis said. hey, should bring your public transport for a lap or two chum.
  23. depends whats relative. if you talking a fully built engine and 400kw, then yes. if your talking everything you can do with out opening the engine, then no. i has a bout 50kw more than stock atw, on 95 petrol.
  24. he'd prefer the castle. its 1 of a set.
  25. dem feels. i has them. im going as support wagon. literally. a wagon full of tools. still be quicker than most of the cars on the track lololololol. come donw for pizza face painting and bouncy castle anyway.
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