im over jap cars for a while.... and never had muscle. hsv was cheaper than a yank import so went that way.
do miss boost, but the torque kinda makes up for it.
take the risk. just do what everyone else does when they get banned.
i just had 2 weeks in qld.
got reef in my leg. sliced my hand clean open and got bit by a snake.
im a veteran of 2 wars and i go on holiday and that shit happens.
any non fanboys played it yet? is it worth it?
im a causal when it comes to anything but halo, but kmart have it for under 70 baht so might have to invest.
wasnt it illegal to sell someone more than 3 serves of the proper shit? i remember a bar having it when i was a kid and they used to stamp you..... the ink took forever to come off apparently.