and he also asaid his maintainence is paid for. f**k it. if someone paid for my cars to be serviced i wouldnt do them myself either.
scotty. how many jacks to build me extractors! haha.
they where very happy mate! speak to the service manager there. his name his glen. explain that a guy you spoke to on a forum told you about the work they did on his 33. mention my name (paul) should be happy to help!
i could not tell you mate as i get fleet rates plus another discount. they have serviced my wifes kia twice and did the 100k service on the 33. they charged 200 for that but i supplied all the parts. timing belt, bearings, water pump etc.
i took my 33 to dandenong nissan, they dfo a mega job. even washing and polishing the car. looks like its a bit of travel for you but hit em up if your willing. they will follow the book to the letter.
check for loose bolts on your exhaust manifold. could also be a knackered rocker cover gasket. change it anyway its 50 bucks.
also put in a bottle of lifter free up. all that should cost you 100 bucks. if it fixes it you win. if not your looking at new lifters mate.
right now this prick has finished.
yes it does work. you can run 10psi.
however it will lag and be slower.
i lasted a month before i tuned it.
ps. i dont eat dicks scott. just your mothers ass.