ive got two from a s1 mate. 60 bucks for the pair pretty sure they are not split. ill be in carum downs sunday if you want em.
ive got a few other 33 spares if you need anything else?
what dif are you runing nick?
should seriously speak to hank and get a set of pineaplles for 65 bucks. set up for drags.... i reckon itll earn you a couple of hundreths
grats on last day mo fo. road trip is needed now.....
get some mickey thompson et streets, put on standard wheels for drags.
also i have 17x8's on my 33 and i have 245's on rear. still spins like a looney. you need pineapple kit for diff....
your mate needs a f**king slap.
oem coil packs are the best. period.
you may need to change them if they are old and breaking down. people go for split fires because they are good and reliable and cheaper than oem.