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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. nope. you got to rock festivals you push fences. you jump at future.
  2. no worries. heres pay pal addy again... [email protected]
  3. it was to climb the tree. i was stood next to that for metallica. the f**k tard secruity on the bar wouldnt let anyone in or out during Metallica, people dont like being fenced in. hence removing the fence. happened last year at ADTR too.
  4. yea i get ya.... but id still rather use that than mess with the cas! soon as would be great mate. need to get rid of em this week to pay my tuning bill! 200 is delivered, and pay pal price.
  5. Can nearly see what she had for her dinner haha!
  6. Find another mechanic. 200 posted.
  7. no i spend hours on the internet looking for stuff like this...
  8. you spend that much time in the gym that you cried yourself to sleep knowing youll be forever alone?
  9. +1. all medication works better when you believe it will. i had acupuncture. thought it was a load of bollocks, turned out it was a load of bollocks. but yet has help my rehab mate with the same problem.
  10. wow. what a complete and utter load of bollocks being thrown at you on here. terry? spirit? are you freaking serious? he could worship satan and it wouldnt help his sleep pattern. mate if you cant sleep it could be due to a number of factors. your not tired. your brain is not tired. your stressed. etc. as some guys have said tire your self out. easy way to overcome your "head" turn off phone. tv etc. read. you will get tired eventually. make it something your interested in not work related. when that tires you out, but your still laid there thinkin of crap, listen to relaxing music thru head phones.... in the pitch black. all helped me. unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control i now have to sleep with noise and light in the back ground. this makes me very tired.
  11. Yes 300. No manuals mate. You have to print them off the Internet.
  12. And text if you want pics mate. Just took safc 2 out of the car today.
  13. It's five bucks lol. Ill take it on the chin. [email protected] When money hits my bank ill post them to ya.
  14. No problems mate. Ill have a check what the rate is. But they defo charge me. Let me know as soon as cos I gotta guy on gumtree interested.
  15. Yea mate. If its pay pal it's 320, as it charges me to withdraw money. Have all Looms and shit
  16. Including post?! 300. Can't afford to let em go any less. I never fitted the sitc so it still owes me 250.
  17. Yes mate. Send a text 0423874575. Can post Monday.
  18. a few things depending on price mate. shocks, interior (part ex for mine)
  19. if you split the car yourself give me a shout.
  20. come on thats cheap as fark!
  21. sorted!!!! nice one brother! now, last thing... but this hasnt been working for weeks... can you go to whoretown bob, and try and follow it. it wont let me at at all. same as lulz page.... nismoid had a look but couldnt figure it out. maybe you geniusness can crack it!
  22. if you want i will log out and you can log into my account and see what i mean.
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