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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. in that case a 34gtt side mount will tide you over. got mine for 50 bucks and good upto 200kw ish.
  2. stao. you are unbelievable mate. the best. leave it with me. i WILL be in touch.
  3. blitz pm me for price my man.
  4. damn straight. if there was chairs in here id rip them up! RAGE!!!!!
  5. brad. GTFO. ha!
  6. ha! oh well!
  8. look mate you dont seem to get the picture. if i want a 2nd hand gcg turbo ill go buy one for 380 dollars or 450 dollars from various other sites. (just two of the many i have seen) honestly thanks for your offer and your opinion but im not buying any 2nd hand hiflow turbo for 800 dollars when i can get it done for 880. by a highly respected sau trader. i do hope you manage to sell it tho as they ARE good turbos and im sure someone will be happy with it. now this is a wanted thread, not a discussion thread people. cut the chat.
  9. as i said. thanks mate. this isnt a discussion.
  10. 880 brand new for a superior hypergear. thanks anyway mate.
  11. missed out on these last time. wont make the same mistake this time. where are you in melbourne man.
  12. morning giggles. this thing is still a turbo. na wont even beet a daihatsu. just ask captain natro.
  13. haha! im from rotherham! if your a forest fan, im sorry about your team bro! them arabs just seem to wanna kill the club!
  14. hey buddy. how much for the amp posted to 3915. and i have to ask. does it work perfectly?
  15. youve got my attention. pics of exhaust side?
  16. yea visually inspect your discs as well mate. could need machining.
  17. its 100 bucks. take the gamble. if you dont like em move em on. take 10 mins to swap the fronts.
  18. sorry. no idea about gtt's. but the rears will not fit another other 33 because of fork type shocks.
  19. HA!
  20. i know. sorry. gets on my tits. "nothings as aussie as a meat pie" the adverts say. i reply. shit me. aboriginals invented pastry?
  21. no mate, believe it or not. australia invented neither of those. stick to washing lines.
  22. edit will swap. 4 door or wagon. hit me up. located south east melbourne.
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