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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. ahhhh you proper mo fo'. how long will taht take.... easter? lol
  2. hey rob can you get a better pic of the chip? surely if its been highflowed it would have steel rear wheel.... its got me intriged as im looking for something like this...
  3. surging is very vague. but at that psi..... its r n r. dial it back t ten reset ecu. insert 98 fuel. should run sweet!
  4. STUPID QUESTION HERE. is the battery flat.....
  5. Fantastic cheers boys!
  6. yea my old man didnt have a clue why it wasnt working.... ran the engine for a few mins and boom here comes the flow!
  7. thats mine....
  8. had her 4 months. wow its come along way...
  9. heres mine guys.... the day i picked her up. and two weeks ago. has since been raised a little.....
  10. after 32 my turbo fell off.
  11. had the same problem on an old mini..... had to start the engine. then it worked!
  12. i was thinking of getting another cooler from a standard car and fitting it up. but im just looking to see what everyone else has done!
  13. gents..... can any one recommend a good cheapish oil cooler kit for the auto. only things i can find are in england and the states.
  14. need a price dude or the ad will get locked!
  15. if you can get to the turbo just check if it has a steel or ceramic rear wheel (where dump bolts on)
  16. my 33 turbs does exactly the same...
  17. wont be gen. never is. EVER. turn ignition on for a few seconds with out starting it. turn key give some revs. until it grabs idle at 1100rpm. should then be sweet.
  19. i sorted mine originally by playing with the tps voltage....lasted 5 months and gone lumpy on cold again...
  20. cold start valve. tune. soiled plugs etc etc.
  21. they all fit. unless they are white. thought so artz.
  22. he is lying. give them to me.
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