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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. hey gents..... i have an auto det 33' and im having a new issue. had a little look around but wouldn't even know how to search for it...... when i put my put down the car will accelerate like a bastard for about 2-3 seconds then the acceleration slows down dramatically but the engine revs keep increasing....... then a couple seconds later the acceleration kicks back in again.....its frigging weird man..... its hard too explain.... now im running full stainless bell mouth to cat. (there is a small gap where air is escaping on the cat join. compliance cat to 3 inch fuji something or other back box. i also have a metal intake pipe. here's where it gets interesting. ive re-routed my blow by piping shit to hit a catch can then vent to air thru a breather. now Ive taken my recirc valve pipe work and made up a hose that joins to the metal intake pipe nipple, that was meant to be used for the blow by shit, to my recirc valve. now i had my bov blocked off before but because the car is auto it was causing it to stall. could the recirculation be hitting the afm and causing the afm /ecu to shit its self and cut fueling? any ideas gents......
  2. YEA +1 for pics to inbox bud! and how firm are we talking.....
  3. dont need the dump or front any longer mate.... what can you do cat and zaust' for? and what location mate?
  4. check out drift sales on facebook. bunch of crack heads would sell their left nut for another hit. but seriously. seen a few floating. have you checked gumtree too?
  5. what does your missis drink again?
  6. still in dire need of a hi flow cat. before my tune.
  7. HA FU**ING HA! but seriously you just should just let me baby sit them for a while........
  8. sitc still avail?
  9. yea hopefully.
  10. Nah mate no finance! Just did a stolen car check again against the vin..... All clear aame as when i bought it. You think vic roads will tell me who it is? I wanna pay them a visit.........
  11. Just got alerted than someone is trying to transfer the vehicle into there name with out a letter I disposal. Anyone ha this before?
  12. right im going with that. they will foul inside. thanks gents!
  13. to far out of the arches or? i need a brief explanation or even better a picture.......
  14. 1 YES 1 NO...... im trying to find someone with it but the search is so primative!
  15. GENTS THE MOST URGENT OF HELP IS REQUIRED...... im about to purchase some rays sebring, heres the details 18 x 8.5 +40 front 18 x 9.5 +45 rear. will these FIT A 94 GTST.......................help me ladies and gents!
  16. no price or location bro.....
  17. hey andy ive got 500 saved up........ haha!
  18. if you can i have one for 250!!! pretty sure you can tho.
  19. balls melbourne
  20. pm with price and a pic! 600 bucks max.....
  21. let me see them wheels boys! se subs of Melbourne please....
  22. all still avail. plus series 2 standard turbo. 200 bucks.
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