hey gents.....
i have an auto det 33' and im having a new issue. had a little look around but wouldn't even know how to search for it......
when i put my put down the car will accelerate like a bastard for about 2-3 seconds then the acceleration slows down dramatically but the engine revs keep increasing....... then a couple seconds later the acceleration kicks back in again.....its frigging weird man.....
its hard too explain....
now im running full stainless bell mouth to cat. (there is a small gap where air is escaping on the cat join. compliance cat to 3 inch fuji something or other back box.
i also have a metal intake pipe. here's where it gets interesting. ive re-routed my blow by piping shit to hit a catch can then vent to air thru a breather.
now Ive taken my recirc valve pipe work and made up a hose that joins to the metal intake pipe nipple, that was meant to be used for the blow by shit, to my recirc valve.
now i had my bov blocked off before but because the car is auto it was causing it to stall. could the recirculation be hitting the afm and causing the afm /ecu to shit its self and cut fueling?
any ideas gents......