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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. due to julia gillard and her carbon tax, the mspec/specm bar is back on the market!
  2. white 09' gtr heading north on the westernport highway, behind a ferrari a porka, and in front of an Aston martin. i had a semi.
  3. all good man! seems we have made contact with a few more locals! we should arrange something just for the south east/peninsula peeps!
  4. Reducteur H-72 super releasing agent There we go.
  5. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    Wanna come down the peninsula and do mine in exchange for beer?
  6. might buy one then send it back. just for shits and giggles.
  7. f*ck yes!
  8. havent had time to find it yet. but..... heres a picture of 5 mins of work no elbow grease needed at all!
  9. right you bunch of miserable so and so's! the dump pipe went back to whence it came! now find me another one hahaha!
  10. bloody hell that could be it too. hang on ill go check the bin..................
  11. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    nice one... i shall pm all over him!
  12. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    this is exactly why i dont wanna do it! i mean to start with i dont know which size tap i need etc. fookin hell.
  13. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    anyone wanna come keep me company/make sure i dont fu*k it up?
  14. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    im changing my rocker cover gaskets this weekend and painting the rockers. thinkin i might be able to do this my self.................
  15. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    yeah its the re threading im not happy with, never done it on something that i need to work! hey is your plug at an angle towards the front of the car?
  16. get two! ill buy the booze we will fit them at the same time. ebay all the way for me!
  17. yea the engine is warming up fine. had a new radiator put in about 3 weeks ago. because the car was overheating. so your saying bleed the cooling system? i know the thermo is good it was changed about 15 days ago lol. right to bleed i usually put a bottle in the neck of the radiator to get the level above the bleed screw on the intake manifold. i then unscrew the bleed screw and poor water/coolant in to the bottle until it pours out of the bleed screw is this correct? ive got a new water pump to be fitted when i have my timing belt and tensioners changed. just gotta fin someone to do it.
  18. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    how much did he charge you bud? if you dont mind me askin?
  19. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    i just called him hes gonna check the car out see how much clearance he has and shit on tuesday then ill get a price from him. did you speak to him?
  20. im not sure because i havent used the maguires.but its just a thread release spray similar to wd40 i suppose.
  21. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    in fact the thread doctor on google comes up as a shop in narre warren!? is this the right place?
  22. Plattsy

    Ohhh No :(

    heylet us know what he charges we still have a cross thread on cylinder 6!!!
  23. thanks ill bear that in mind. crc that sounds right. i couldn't believe how well it cleaned them. it seems no there is a down side........
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