so minor update, sold the hks coilovers to fund my new project.
stay tuned for that one.
in micra news, shes finally given up...... the brakes had gone to the point of having nothing, the car was almost cutting out on idol etc etc, giving it the beans brought about a bigger and bigger lean period befor the boost came on, and the final clue, water was literally pissing out of my exhaust.
the head gasket david at dmd warned about, has finally gone.
ive booked in my spare head to be cleaned and decked with mik over at jdm melbourne, and i have the spare hg on the shelf in the garage. literally waiting on time and my arp studs from the states then its go time. going to tear it all down on friday and yes, i will get pictures of everything!!!!!!!!
the whole front end is coming off, being heat wrapped and put back together. the sump is coming off and my spare being sent to scotty to have him weld my return feed on.
ive got new rda slotted and dimpled rotors coming along with some more qfm a1rm pads from jason over at garage 9. if your in melbourne and need brakes, he is the cheapest by far.
having an sau mini meet at my joint sunday for a timing belt party haha! full 200k service (22000km late!) on my wifes wrx.... might get round to doing a few things on the micra too!
im sending the wife to visit family with the kid in qld for a week, give me chance to get all this done... if anyone wants to come round and help out, ive always got beer in the fridge!
ill be back next week with pictures guys!