you know im coming to you mate! extractors and a zaust, with a pulsar throttle body nets me 70kw! call it a hand shandy for zaust work seen as its 30cm long haha!
haha. seen a build thread in england of a guy with sr20 in a micra.
its too much work...... might just get scotty to knock me up a turbo manifold..... hahaha.
also reco drive shafts are like rocking horse shit. 15 dollar and an hours work to change the boot. its the outer. so ill do that for now...
haha still needs battery clamp, service and a bloody good polish. artz is coming over saturday arvo for polish. but yea. im down for wasteland barbi at mine! haha. will need help changing cv boot!
thanks mate! how many you got?
also! picked up a povo pack k11 ls for 400 bucks. took 18 hours of work to clean it and the interior.
needed a battery, babttery clamp, rear taillight, cv boot and a rajab damn good service.
I do like me some ve clubby. Father in law has a gts. Autogaids tho. Hell by the time in finished paying for the kid I could prob afford a vf gts in 18 years
shiiiiiit. ls powered micra would be nuts.
but nah. just styling shit. rims and drop it. decent stereo for my 1 hr a day. uness scotty wants to build me a turbo system? lololol 100kw micra would be awesome.