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Everything posted by Plattsy

  1. jesus christ! praise be to rajab! thought you where dead?
  2. its an ode to f**king douchebaggery. concur with leroy about article.
  3. your welcome mate. so long as you put plenty of solder on there you should be fine for a while.
  4. lol @ video being private! i40 tourer is good car. mom has one. gutless f**ker tho.
  5. theres your issue. mine doesnt have an afm. and it runs fine!
  6. thus being better for his exercise. i see no need for a 300 or 600 dollar bike if just for exercise man. go cheap then trade up. or buy second hand gt or scott or something.
  7. f**k it aaron. go kmart. buy 100 dollar bike. ride it till it breaks. donate to charity shop buy again. or step up if you like it.
  8. speak to stao. may be able to fix yours or upgrade for same rice as some people want for shitty 2nd hand highflows.
  9. the f**k?
  10. happy 23k.
  11. id both be changing you rthermostat and 02 sensor. 100 bucks. if it works great, if not, you have two new parts that you know are fine. 02 sensors are meant to be changed every 40k and most have the original factory one in.
  12. reply from dick. Hi Paul, Our on line entry will be turned on very soon just keep a look out on our website for it. It's a great day for all to enjoy with full catering all day. Look forward to seeing you Regards Dirk Van Heer Motorsport Director Impreza WRX Club Vic
  13. im in. just emailed wrx club for payment details etc.
  14. cos it likes the smell of gunpowder.
  15. but ive been signed up for years? we where promised this and a free garage. i got nada.
  16. 2500 is the afm issue. tkae it off, open it up and re solder the joins. youll see what i mean when you open it. dont forget to silicone it back up to waterproof it. let me know if that fixes anything.
  17. i noticed it had gone, as we where getting spl errors instead, however last week it was all cloudflare errors again!? weird no? will post screenshot if and when i get it again.
  18. birds. dog post. so many feels.
  19. xbox or ps3?
  20. when flood control is banished for a donation. i will donate. just to get rid of this shit cloudflare issue!
  21. any proof of import mileage? auction reprt? 100k service been done? also needs a price as per forum rules mate.
  22. goon bag roulette. /thread
  23. pics of wrist trapped or its a wanking sprain.
  24. ive heard of it, but cant find any info either...
  25. haha. i have an hsv. itll piss the holden heads off.
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