f**k it. i bit the bullet, bought a litre of matt black. gonna do the wheels and the gold bits on the hsv.
may end up doing the whole car if its good stuff.
get an old blanket, roll car on it. paint wheels on the car. just spend time prepping. its realllly easy man. and the guns they sell are pretty good. dont throw paint everytwhere.
its easy mate. electric spray gun from bunnings for 50 bucks. thinners a mixxing stick and a mixxing jug. about 5-6 coats should be enough...
infact i dont even think you need thinners.
mate im pretty sure you cannot sell the car as you are not the legal owner. the finance company is. i fear you could get in a lot of shit. might wanna check it out.
laughing at matt not your kid mate.
id stick with an ipad. get a very hard protective case. can pick 2's up for a couple hundy if money is an issue....
have you reset the ecu at all? disconnect bat and leave for 24 hours. will drive like shit for about 10-15ks after and take it easy. it will relearn, and always used to sort my problems.