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The Law

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  1. Just fitted AP slotted rotors and Endless MX 72 pads all round. Can anyone give me some advice on correct running in procedure, the pamphlet that came with the pads was useless to put it nicely. Thanks
  2. I have had exactly the same experince with a mail ordered Willall Cobb tune, transofmed the car when combined with their titanium mid pipe!
  3. Cant see any difference in the photo but its a pitty we cant get slicks same diameter as OEM
  4. Thats a fair bit lless rolling diameter/overall diameter than standard tyres, do you notice the car is lower/guards dont look filled out ?
  5. Sounds NICE !! With those quoted tyre sizes are they imperial measures ??
  6. -30kg Race seats ? + 15 kw full exhaust and tune ??? Do tell ...
  7. What tyre size are you running with the 18's mate ?
  8. WHat the F..k is going on here. Where is all the negativity coming from ! FACTS: 1. We all love cars 2. We all LOVE driving/watching/hearing about cars been driven like they are meant to be driven - FAST 3. We are all males = testosterone = wanting to be the fastest/smartest/toughest whatever BUT thats what the track is for. This is an info sharing service SO if you dont have anything posative to contribute log off. I own a 35 and love hearing all this sort of news. I dont care if it happens to come from someone affiliated with a workshop that is a. succesful b. helpful c. sells stuff I can aslo buy. ACTUALLY isnt that what these sorts of sites are all about. If you smartarses have your way people like Martin might end up not posting on these forums because its all too easy to keep your head down and avoid the tall poppy sindrome the beer swilling small minded idiots this counrty is full of pride themselves on. Keep going guys lets stop progress !!
  9. Good questions guys. I am actually still wanting a road driveable and reasonably comfortabloe car so I have some thinking to do and it sounds like the standard setup is a pretty good compromise although for obvious reasons road oriented. Martin thinks his coilovers do make a substantial difference but does compromise road drivebility. "I swallowed the spider to catch the fly ....."
  10. Anyone gone through the whole suspension mod thing withtheir 35 ? I am thinking about doing mine and was considering: Sway Bars Coilovers or lower springs: springs would of course be adjustable but a much more expensive option than springs After Market lower control arms to allow more agressive camber (or is it caster I cant remember) Anything else that will cure the cars understeer tendancy and give me more speed around the track. By the look of the pics of Martins car (Willalls) looks like he has gone the whole hog but dont know details, dont want an expensiuve reinvention of the wheel process. Ok, anyone ??
  11. I am very interested in this thread topic. Has anyone got any input given the last post was in July 09 when everyone was new to the 35's (as I am now) ??? Please share
  12. Very interested to hear ressults in particular whether the correct understeer tendancy of these cars
  13. Is it the Jhooks that cause the squealing or the pads though ??
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